Crazy Raccoon
『Crazy Raccoon』 は2018年4月に結成したチームで、Fortnite、Apex Legends、Clash Royale、Super Smash Bros、Brawl Stars、Street Fighter、そしてStreamer部門の7部門を展開し、 『ゲーマーをかっこよく魅せる』 というテーマを掲げ、esportsの発展を目的として精力的に活動を行っています。 所属選手は 全員日本トップレベルの実力 を誇り、世界で戦っている …
Crazy Raccoon - Liquipedia Overwatch Wiki
Crazy Raccoon is a Japanese esports organization. Crazy Raccoon entered Overwatch in April 2024 with the signing of the free-agent team "WAC". This roster included three ex- Shock 2023 players with HeeSang, Junbin, and MAX, alongside recent champion CH0R0NG and longtime OWL players LIP and Shu.
Crazy Raccoon - Wikipedia
Crazy Raccoon (クレイジー・ラクーン、略称:CR [4])は、 日本 で 2018年 4月6日 に発足した プロゲーミング チーム [CR 1]。 『ゲーマーをかっこよく魅せる』という目標のもと活動を行っている [5]。 ここではチーム及び所属するメンバーについて記載する。 2018年4月6日に Fortnite 部門、 Vainglory 部門、Streamers部門の3部門で構成されたプロゲーミングチームと …
Crazy Raccoon - Liquipedia Apex Legends Wiki
March 21st - Crazy Raccoon enter Apex Legends by signing the roster of Aura Esports. Mondo, Cpt and Ras join. June 1st - Crazy Raccoon sign kawase as Streamer. November 1st - Crazy Raccoon sign Wokka as Streamer. December 27th - Crazy Raccoon sign Selly. Mondo steps down from the active roster.
Crazy Raccoon
"Crazy Raccoon" is a team formed in April 2018, with six divisions: Fortnite, APEX, Valorant, Talent, Streamers, and Creators, and is dedicated to the development of esports under the theme of "making gamers cool and attractive".
Crazy Raccoon - Liquipedia VALORANT Wiki
2023年11月28日 · Crazy Raccoon will not participate in VALORANT Esports in 2024. [1] neth , Meiy , and popogachi leaves for DetonatioN FocusMe . [2] makiba changes role from Player to Streamer, Medusa changes role from Inactive to Streamer.
Summary and explanation of who is Crazy Raccoon
Crazy Raccoon is a Japanese esports org that was formed in 2018 Right now, they're THE most popular esports organization and the biggest. The only organization that can somewhat compete would be ZETA DIVISION.
Crazy Raccoon - 나무위키
2025年1月15日 · Crazy Raccoon을 대표하는 이벤트로 일본의 유명 인플루언서 들이 참가하는 대회다. 대회 종목은 에이펙스 레전드, 발로란트, 포트나이트, 레인보우 식스 시즈. 일본 내에서는 아카사카 아카, 야마다 료스케, 혼다 츠바사 같은 유명인도 참가할 정도로, 게임과 인터넷 방송에 관심이 있는 유저라면 대부분 아는, 규모 면에서 많이 커진 대회가 되었다. 한국 내에선 게임의 …
Crazy Raccoon - YouTube
【Twitter】 https://twitter.com/crazyraccoon406 【CRCup】 https://crcup.jp/ 【CRグッズ】 https://crazyraccoon-store.com/ 【Crazy Raccoon Officialファンクラブ 2U チャンネル ...
Crazy Raccoonオフィシャルストアでは、限定グッズやアパレル、ファン必見のアイテムが勢ぞろい。お気に入りメンバーのグッズを手に入れよう。