what's the best runes and items for zyra? : r/zyramains - Reddit
2022年6月7日 · TLDR: Ap zyra is really good at killing and getting killed if you aren't careful, Tank Zyra is better at staying alive and the best at getting 1-5 people to realize they misclicked by installing the game. Edit: Tank Zra runes are Guardian, font of life, bone plating, overgrowth/presence of mind, tenacity.
New to Zyra! Build and tips? : r/zyramains - Reddit
2022年12月9日 · Zyra’s gimmick, or what makes her special as a champ, is that she creates “pockets” of influence using her plants. The seedlings from her w can be used to check brush for vision, and damage procs from her plants count as abilities cast, so take that into consideration with her rune page.
Runes (Electrocute/First Strike/Comet) : r/zyramains - Reddit
2022年11月20日 · Nimbus Cloak Zyra suffers from immobility, so the extra ms is life-saving. She also doesnt have mana issues so don't need Manaflow Band Transcendence helps alleviate Zyra's long cds Scorch is great with Zyra's lane aggression In Domination tree, I prefer the following runes: Taste of Blood for some lane sustain, since Zyra lacks that
Zyra Damage Itemization Analysis : r/zyramains - Reddit
2022年12月14日 · Here are the runes that I use almost every game and the ones I used to test the damage of various builds: Standard Zyra Runes, Viable against Any Team, Take Ingenious Hunter if going Luden's. When I usually get my 2nd item as support Zyra, I am usually lvl 11 and already have the Shard of True Ice and Sorcerer's Shoes .
Zyra runes/builds : r/zyramains - Reddit
2022年9月1日 · Zyra runes/builds Is Moonstone/Tank Zyra still viable I know mandate rylai's Zyra is pretty strong right now and I know base Zyra Liandries works as it always will, just wondering if its still strong/works or is just a waste of rune pages.
glacial tank zyra & glacial moonstone zyra : r/zyramains - Reddit
2022年4月13日 · I've been testing out alternative Zyra builds lately so here's my two cents: Tank Zyra. Runes: Resolve: Guardian, Font of Life, Conditioning, Overgrowth Secondary runes based off of preference, but generally Domination: Zombie Ward, Relentless Hunter is a good default 8 AH, 6 Armor, 8 MR Items (in this order generally):
New(?) thoughts about runes for Zyra : r/supportlol - Reddit
2023年9月24日 · Scorch is significantly better than Gathering Storm on Zyra. Zyra has pretty bad ap ratios so even at minute 30 I would expect scorch to be about equal in strength to gathering storm. First strike is counter productive. Zyra's main strength is being a lane bully, first strike doesn't do much damage until way later in the game.
Zyra Runes? : r/zyramains - Reddit
Hi, I recently picked up Zyra and got mastery 7 on her rather quickly, but have been using my standard AP page for her. What runes are currently the best for her right now? Some guides say completely different things so I thought it'd be best to ask here. Edit: this would be for support zyra :)
Build and Runes : r/zyramains - Reddit
2020年12月27日 · Secondary runes are dependent on enemies comp, Cheap Shot + Ultimate Hunter works, Boots + Biscuits for lane where I need a bit more presence (more aggressive/higher sustain). Relentless Hunter instead of Ultimate is okay too if you want to have better map control (warding, objectives secure).
zyra support runes/builds/guides/tips : r/zyramains - Reddit
2022年6月17日 · im Zyra OTP since she is out and the most useful runes for me (regardless what guides in the internet say) are: Comet Manaflow band Transcendence Scorch ---‐----- Presence of mind Coup de grace for buildpath i recomment always go …