Denton 85th.. a better LS3/5A? - What Hi-Fi? Forum
2022年9月17日 · In comes the Wharfedale Denton 85th Anniversary (of which 10 attemps to post different pictures of it here failed) There is no disagreement in reviews about its quality. It is by objective judgement an LS3/5A inspired loudspeaker that is designed with the standards of 2022 in mind soundwise. Making it an modern gem already.
A question for Wharfedale Denton 80th Anv. owners…
2021年11月24日 · Rotel RB-1562 power amplifier – driving Denton’s 80th Anv. Rotel RB-1050 power amplifier – driving Totem Mite’s temporary until speakers sold I like to build another system around Wharfedale Denton 80th Anv. speakers and looking to replace above components as I will move those from current to my secondary habitat.
Wharfedale Denton - What Hi-Fi? Forum
2011年2月20日 · It is the original Denton (Late 1960s to early 1970s I think. No later than 1975 when the XP versions of Linton/Denton were introduced) Rank owned Wharfedale from 1958 until the early 1990s and marketed whole systems comprising Leak amps (Rank owned Leak) and later on in the 1970s with Rotel amps.
REVIEW: Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary speakers
2015年10月18日 · I described the Dentons as mini-Harbeth Monitor 30s to my friend before we listened this evening and after the session, both of us agreed that was an accurate statement. Thus said, I think the title "poor man's Harbeths" is most appropriate for the Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary speakers. What don't they do?
Denton 80ths VS 85ths - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2021年11月13日 · The Denton 85th can indeed sound too bright, especially noticeable with recordings that have with strong treble like EQ'd hihats and ride cymbals (Donald Fagen's Kamakiriad). I don't understand why Andrew Robinson deems them rolled-off on top when they obviously have a treble tilt.
Original Wharfedale Dentons - Steve Hoffman Music Forums
2016年10月9日 · In 1969 (or possibly late '68), Wharfedale's parent company at the time , The Rank Group, had purchased Leak from the company's retiring owner, and at this point (in their infinite wisdom and foresight), felt that owning two competing hi-fi brands was a bad idea, so they decided to make Wharfedale a mid-fi/upper-mid-fi brand and left Leak as the high-end brand.
Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary - my thoughts - What Hi-Fi?
2008年4月28日 · Wharfedale Denton For: Good build quality; deep bass for such tiny boxes; good sense of rhythm; prefers more upbeat music Against: Midrange and high frequencies sound too brittle; lack of cohesion; relatively poor dynamic expression; fussy when it comes to placement
Looking for a amp to pair with Wharfedale Denton 80th...
2021年11月23日 · Hello folks, I have Wharfedale Denton 80th Anv. speakers that I have kept in a box for a long time. Since I am re-configuring my secondary setup, I have unpacked my Denton 80th Anv. speakers and looking for a new amp that will have synergy with them.
Power needs for Wharfedale Dentons? - Steve Hoffman Music …
2015年10月29日 · The Dentons are a 6 ohm nominal load, with 86 dB/W efficiency, which is a shade on the low side. Wharfedale recommends 20 - 100 W (RMS), but these figures are always academic, as one has to take distortion levels, room size, …
My review: KEF LS50 vs. Wharfedale Denton 80th Anniversary
2017年1月14日 · Despite the Dentons not being fully broken in yet (check back in March), I couldn't resist hooking the LS50's back up to my Fisher tubes and having a...