Cardio-respiratory measures following isocapnic voluntary hyperventilation
2004年8月20日 · A comparison of the time courses of heart rate and systolic and diastolic blood pressures vs. bins (30-s binned means ± S.E.M.) at rest, during voluntary hyperventilation (HV) and following voluntary hyperventilation between subjects with post-hyperventilation hyperpnoea (open bars) and those without (filled bars).
Voluntary isocapnic hyperventilation and breathlessness during exercise ...
These results suggest that it is reflexly driven ventilation, and not simply the level of ventilation itself, which relates to the level of breathlessness during exercise. 1. Nine normal subjects performed 6 min, constant-workload, exercise tests on a bicycle ergometer at either a 'high workload' or at a 'low workload'.
Effectiveness of Respiratory Muscles Training by Voluntary Isocapnic ...
In healthy participants, the most studied RMT methods are: (1) voluntary isocapnic hypernea (VIH), which induces endurance training of the expiratory and inspiratory muscles, and (2) inspiratory threshold loading (ITL), which employs an overload primarily focused on …
Isocapnic hyperpnea training improves performance in
The effects of voluntary isocapnic hyperpnea (VIH) training (10 h over 4 weeks, 30 min/day) on ventilatory system and running performance were studied in 15 male competitive runners, 8 of whom trained twice weekly for 3 more months.
Time course of posthyperventilation breathing in humans depends …
The time course of the decrease in ventilation immediately after 1 min of voluntary isocapnic hyperventilation was studied in eight healthy subjects. The hyperventilation tests were done at three different levels of alveolar CO2 tension (PACO2), and at each PACO2 level with a fixed respiratory frequ …
Hyperventilation with and without maintenance of isocapnia: A ...
2014年9月15日 · We compared efficiency and safety of hyperventilation with CO 2 /O 2 mixture and 100% O 2. • Ten healthy volunteers were studied. • Breath-by-breath ergospirometry and arterial blood gas analysis were performed. • Alveolar ventilation was increased by 40% and peak paO 2 by 20% during isocapnic hyperventilation compared to breathing with ...
Hypoxic Ventilatory Response and Breathlessness Following
To investigate the etiology of posthyperventilation (post-HV) hypoxemia following voluntary hyperventilation (VHV), we examined the effects of hypocapnic (hypo-CO 2) and isocapnic (iso-CO 2) VHV on the hypoxic ventilatory response (O 2-response) and on the sensation of breathlessness during the O 2-response.
Isocapnic hyperpnea training improves performance in …
2007年1月23日 · Voluntary isocapnic hyperpnea (VIH), a form of respiratory muscle training (RMT) that requires subjects to maintain high target levels of ventilation, improves respiratory muscle endurance (Markov et al. 2001; Stuessi et al. 2001; McMahon et al. 2002) and has been shown to improve cycling endurance (Boutellier et al. 1992; Boutellier and Piwko ...
Slow ventilatory dynamics after isocapnic hypoxia and voluntary ...
1996年3月1日 · In humans, STP is activated by brief episodes of hypoxia and voluntary hyperventilation (VHV). STP exerts a stabilizing influence on breathing pattern. To investigate the effects of a subanaesthetic concentration of isoflurane on STP, we studied recovery from mild and moderate hypoxic hyperpnoea and VHV.
Effects of Spontaneous and Hypercapnic Hyperventilation on …
1997年9月23日 · Chonan and coworkers compared the sensation of difficulty in breathing during progressive hypercapnia and during isocapnic voluntary hyperventilation in normal subjects using a modified Borg scale. Hypercapnic hyperventilation produces more IES than voluntary isocapnic hyperventilation.