上海碧云国际社区维诗凯亚别墅出租 - Merry Home
维诗凯亚别墅(Vizcaya)坐落于浦东新区云山路2000弄,又称俐马花园。 地处碧云国际社区,毗邻世纪公园,东起云山路,西至白桦路,南临锦绣路,北靠明月路。
【上海维诗凯亚别墅小区,二手房,租房】- 上海房天下
维诗凯亚别墅 - 百度百科
上海市浦东新区的楼盘 维诗凯亚别墅地处碧云国际社区,享有便捷的交通和成熟的生活配套。 周边拥有400年历史的DulwichCollege贵族学校、协和国际学校、 平和双语学校 、 中欧国际工商学院 ,完善的欧式教育体系享誉沪上。
Vizcaya, Yunshan Rd , Shanghai Villa For rent, ID:8974 | Yirent
This is also the heart of the Pudong Expat community with sports, restaurants, pubs and shopping within walking distance. The most sought after and desirable Expat family community in the city. Great location for children / families.The superb Vizcaya Sports Club is value-added point, having spectacular facilities.
Shanghai rentals of No 2000 Yunshan Road in Vizcaya Villa …
Vizcaya housing Shanghai, - Maxview Realty
A mediterranean style villa compound, Vizcaya offers 179 villas with different Spanish and Mediterranean style design.Situated in the heart of Jin Qiao, most of your daily shopping needs will be catered to by the massive Carrefour, located virtually on your doorstep.
Vizcaya, Yunshan Rd , Shanghai Villa For rent, ID:9916 | Yirent
This is also the heart of the Pudong Expat community with sports, restaurants, pubs and shopping within walking distance. The most sought after and desirable Expat family community in the city. Great location for children / families.The superb Vizcaya Sports Club is value-added point, having spectacular facilities.
Vizcaya, Yunshan Rd , Shanghai Villa For rent, ID:4513 | Yirent
This is also the heart of the Pudong Expat community with sports, restaurants, pubs and shopping within walking distance. The most sought after and desirable Expat family community in the city. Great location for children / families.The superb Vizcaya Sports Club is value-added point, having spectacular facilities.
Vizcaya, Villa in Jinqiao, Pudong, 5 bedroom, 455 sqm, …
Shanghai Villa for rent in Vizcaya in Jinqiao, The size of the 5 bedroom Villa is 455 sqm and rental price is ¥58,000 /month, Web ID:FY00634
Vizcaya for rent,5 Bedrooms,4 Bathrooms,70,000/ Month Green …
Vizcaya for Rent in Shanghai,5 Bedrooms,4 Bathrooms,Real Estate Agent in Shanghai. Our listings are updated daily providing thousands of available rentals.