Blindness and vision impairment - World Health Organization (WHO)
Vision impairment occurs when an eye condition affects the visual system and its vision functions. Everyone, if they live long enough, will experience at least one eye condition in their lifetime that will require appropriate care. Vision impairment has serious consequences for the individual across the life course.
World report on vision - World Health Organization (WHO)
2019年10月8日 · At present at least 2.2 billion people around the world have a vision impairment, of whom at least 1 billion have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. The world faces considerable challenges in terms of eye care, including inequalities in the coverage and quality of prevention, treatment and rehabilitation services; a shortage of …
盲症和视力损害 - World Health Organization (WHO)
2023年8月10日 · 世界卫生组织视力损害和盲症实况报道,介绍了视力损害的定义、原因、危险人群以及预防盲症的全球应对工作。
Eye care, vision impairment and blindness - World Health …
2024年7月15日 · Integrated people-centred eye care, including preventable vision impairment and blindness (WHA74.12) Integrated people-centred eye care, including preventable vision impairment and blindness (WHA73.4) Towards universal eye health: a global action plan 2014–2019 (WHA66.4) Prevention of avoidable blindness and visual impairment (WHA62.1)
Eye care, vision impairment and blindness programme
In at least 1 billion – or almost half – of these cases, vision impairment could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed. The work of WHO’s Eye care, vision impairment and blindness programme is guided by World Health Assembly resolution WHA73.4 Integrated, people-centred eye care and the recommendations of the WHO World report on ...
WHO launches new initiative to tackle the main cause of vision …
2024年5月14日 · "The SPECS 2030 initiative marks a significant milestone in combatting uncorrected refractive error, commonly known as short-sightedness or long-sightedness, which is the leading cause of vision impairment in both children and adults,” said Dr Bente Mikkelsen, WHO Director for Noncommunicable Diseases, Rehabilitation and Disability.
Increasing eye care interventions to address vision impairment
2023年3月8日 · Globally, at least 2.2 billion people have a near or distance vision impairment. In at least 1 billion of these cases, vision impairment could have been prevented or is yet to be addressed. And of those with unaddressed vision impairment or blindness, 90% live in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs).
Vision and hearing loss - World Health Organization (WHO)
2023年1月30日 · In the WHO European Region approximately 90 million people have vision impairment or blindness. Eye conditions common in the Region include refractive errors such as myopia, cataracts, age-related macular degeneration, diabetic retinopathy and glaucoma.
Trachoma - World Health Organization (WHO)
2024年10月21日 · Visual impairment or blindness results in a worsening of the life experience of affected individuals and their families, who are normally already amongst the poorest of the poor. Women are blinded up to 4 times as often as men, probably due to their close contact with infected children and their resulting greater frequency of infection episodes.
at least 2.2 billion people have a vision impairment or blindness, of whom at least 1 billion have a vision impairment that could have been prevented or has yet to be addressed. More reliable data on the met and unmet eye care needs, however, are required for planning. Also, the burden of eye conditions and vision impairment is not borne equally.