What does the viscous damping coefficient depend on?
2019年3月21日 · The "viscous damping" considered in a first course on dynamics is basically a mathematical fiction which is easy to analyse and demonstrates the basic ideas of under- and over- damped motion. Physically real damping has many different causes, with the common factor that they dissipate mechanical energy from the system being modelled.
How to determine viscous damping coefficient of spring?
$\begingroup$ @MathsStudent: I think we have a problem of misunderstanding here. I think I pretty much answered your question.
harmonic oscillator - How to calculate viscous damping coefficient ...
The damping of a spring is calculated with: $$[\zeta] = \frac{[c]}{\sqrt{[m][k]}}$$ Where c is the 'viscous damping coefficient' of the spring, according to Wikipedia. m is the mass, k is the spring constant, and zeta is the damping ratio. How is the value of c calculated though?
fluid dynamics - How does one mathematically derive the …
2018年9月19日 · I am very well aware of how to get the damping coefficient experimentally by observing a system in action. Given the dimensions and fluid properties of a theoretical viscous fluid dashpot, how doe...
homework and exercises - Calculate viscous damping coefficient …
2019年7月31日 · How can I determine the viscous damping coefficient? Normally these graphs use distance and velocity but I only have force. My equation force is of the same form as the one for motion: $$ x(t) = Ae^{-bt/2m}\cos(\omega't+ \phi) $$ The three forces are buoyancy, viscous drag and elastic. Buoyancy could be neglected if it simplifies things.
Mathematical proof that viscous damping always diminishes energy
2024年7月24日 · where the $\frac{3}{\rho}\frac{d\phi}{d\rho}$ term acts as a damping force on the system. Qualitatively I understand that this always acts to decrease the energy of the system but I'm having trouble proving it mathematically. Through rearranging the second equation and multiplying through I can get to:
Relative vibration damping relating to viscous damping
2021年9月25日 · I would like to understand better the information provided by a flexible coupling manufacturer (see this document, page 42), and how it relates to the viscous damping . In specific, the manufacturer provides the 'Relative Torsional Vibration Damping' which is a unitless number defined as follows:
What is the difference between damping and friction?
2015年9月19日 · It refers to viscous friction, either caused by hydraulics or air resistance. Friction, on the other hand, is independent of velocity (Coulomb's law of friction) and most often refers to the resistance between two solids moving against each other (cars on the road, boxes on inclined planes, etc.). $\endgroup$
newtonian mechanics - Understanding the equivalent viscous …
2021年9月26日 · To enable me to simulate the system in the time domain, the standard approach is to calculate the equivalent viscous damping matrix $\mathbf{C}_{eq}$. This paper describes the following process to calculate $\mathbf{C}_{eq}$ which I'll restate below: Find the eigenvector matrix $\mathbf{\Phi}$ of the corresponding MK system from eq. (1).
Why is the damping force proportional to $v$ and not $v^2$?
2016年11月21日 · The equation for viscous resistance or linear drag is appropriate for objects or particles moving through a fluid at relatively slow speeds where there is no turbulence (i.e. low Reynolds number, $\displaystyle R_{e}<1$). Note that purely laminar flow only exists up to Re = 0.1 under this definition.