Flag of Earth - Wikipedia
In 2015, Swedish designer Oskar Pernefeldt proposed a flag called the International Flag of Planet Earth. The design consists of the first stage to the flower of life (7 joined rings of same radius, with the 6 outer rings drawn around the first ring spaced exactly 1 radian apart).
联合国旗帜 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
聯合國徽章由一幅世界地圖和兩條橄欖枝組成,徽章圖案置於聯合國旗幟之上。 旗幟和徽章也是希望的象徵,代表着世界各國人民對和平與團結的夢想與渴望。 在動亂和衝突地區,聯合國徽章和旗幟已經成為有關各方辨認 聯合國 的標識。 聯合國徽章(或徽記)是在1945年洛杉磯 聯合國國際組織會議 期間設計完成的。 彼時會議組織者計畫設計一個徽章,以製成徽章別針來識別各與會代表。 時任美國國務卿 小愛德華·斯特蒂紐斯 作為美國代表團團長,意識到該臨時設計可能成為聯 …
Universal Flag - Ancient Order of Free Asiatics
The universal flag of the 5% cycle consists of the sun 7 moon and stars. This formation shows the universal state being symbolic of, man, woman, child, and the Universe. The seven represent God or man and the sun. It stands able to show man catering to the …
Universal Symbols Used In Flags of the World - theflags.org
The universal symbols found in flags around the world – the sun, stars, crescent, stripes, and the color green – speak a language that transcends words, embodying the shared values and aspirations of humanity.
The Flag - The International Flag of Planet Earth (IFOPE)
Centered in the flag, seven rings form a flower – a symbol of the life on Earth. The rings are linked to each other, which represents how everything on our planet, directly or indirectly, are linked. The blue field represents water which is essential for life – also as the oceans cover most of our planet's surface.
List of national flags of sovereign states - Wikipedia
All 193 member states and 2 observer states of the United Nations, in addition to several de facto states, represent themselves with national flags. National flags generally contain symbolism of their respective state and serve as an emblem which distinguishes themselves from other states in international politics.
Flags of the world: History, Symbolism, and Significance
Flags are more than just pieces of cloth fluttering in the wind; they are powerful symbols of identity, unity, and history. They represent nations, cultures, and movements, encapsulating stories and values within their colors and designs. In this article, we’ll embark on a colorful journey around the globe, exploring the fascinating world of flags.
The Planet Earth Flag: A Symbol For All People - Earthava
2017年8月18日 · This beauty was designed by Ohioan minister James William van Kirk and eventually adopted by the Universal Peace Congress (which existed from 1889 to 1939) as their official flag. In this flag, the Earth is shown on a field of stars with a rainbow banner attached to it.
The International Flag of Planet Earth (IFOPE)
The flag serves as an important reminder to the citizens of Earth that we should take care of each other and the planet we live on. It offers a shift of perspective, that we share this planet no matter national boundaries, ideologies and religious beliefs.
Flags of The World | Flags Images, Meaning, History
Universal Symbols used in flags of the world While you have had a look over the flags of all countries you might have come across varied symbols used in the flag designs. This is because all cultures across the world use certain universal symbols that hold some specific meaning for …