Get a good night’s sleep and eat a high protein breakfast. Drink plenty of water. Practice guided imagery, visualizations of succeeding on the test, mentally “going where the information is stored in your brain”, or breathing techniques. Don’t study right before the test.
Follow these tips to reduce your anxiety! Remember the strategies! They will help you to feel confident. •Think positively about doing your best! •Take a deep breath to relax. •Answer EVERY question. •Make intelligent educated guesses. •Think about one item at a time. •DO YOUR BEST! I am scared of the test monster!!!! Remember…
Determine your areas of strengths and weaknesses in your test taking skills Learn from your mistakes Decide how you can improve future test results
General Test-Taking Strategies for Multiple Choice Tests Make Predictions Your mind is typically the most focused immediately after you have read the question and digested its contents. At this point, try to predict what the correct answer will be. Scan the answers to see if your prediction is one of the choices. If it is, you can be quite
• There are two parts to test taking — one is the actual taking of the test and the other is the preparation for the test. All of the test-taking strategies in the world will not help you whiz through a test if you haven’t prepared properly. • If you are taking the test and feel totally lost, there are still some test-taking strategies ...
Use the following tips when taking an Open Book test . o Prepare a sheet with important facts or formulas to avoid spending time looking them up. o Mark important pages with sticky notes or paper clips. o Practice using the index to look up specific topics. After the Test • Provide yourself with positive affirmations. o Seek a stress ...
In case you find yourself getting caught in a test-related worry-spiral, we’ve prepared some strategies to help you relax, prepare and focus on the task at hand. What Causes Test Anxiety? 1. Fear of Failure: If your self-worth is tied to your test score the pressure to perform well may become unbearable. 2.
Use the following strategies to get an upper hand on this tricky question type. Read the stem and anticipate the answer before you look at the multiple choices. Read the stem with all choices. Eliminate answers that are grammatically incorrect. Use the process of elimination. Eliminate all questions that you know are incorrect.
Read the directions and make sure you understand them. When in doubt – ask. Work the easiest portion first. Know the scoring policy. Are you penalizing yourself for guessing? Attempt to answer each question. Keep an eye on the time and pace yourself. Perform a “brain dump”.
Ten Tips for Test Taking 1. Come prepared; arrive early for tests Bring all the materials you need, such as, pencils and pens, a calculator, a dictionary, and a watch. 2. Stay relaxed and confident Remind yourself that you are well prepared and are going to do well.
Whether you are taking a multiple choice test or essay, you must know some test taking strategies in order to score the highest possible mark. Plan your time; make certain that you have enough time to study so that you are prepared set for the test. Attend the review sessions; consider the hints that the instructor may give you about the test.
Doing well on tests requires test-taking skills, a positive attitude, strategic thinking and planning, and a solid grasp of the material. This handout contains tips that apply to all types of tests. 1. Familiarize yourself with the test. Ask the professor how long it …
Study Skills Tutor at USF's ASC for one-on-one help with these note-taking strategies. Make time for several review sessions (short and frequent is better than one long cram session).
Taking Tests . 1. Be prepared. 2. Survey the exam. 3. Use time wisely. 4. Read directions and questions carefully, underline important words. 5. Attempt every question. 6. Actively reason through the questions, but don’t read more into a question than the test writer intended. 7. Answer the easy questions first to develop confidence. 8 ...
Test-taking skills include your attitude and how to approach taking a test. Knowing these skills will help you receive higher test scores and be a great help when you are taking important tests in middle school, high school, and college. Below are some tips that will help you be better prepared for taking a test. Before the test:
Activity: Answer the following questions to help you decide what tips you will use to improve your test taking skills. List some of the strategies you will use to study and better prepare yourself for exams.
Many learners find the following strategies helpful when taking multiple choice exams. These strategies are most useful when guessing is the best option you have.
Objective Test Taking Tips . Multiple Choice Test • Read the question. Cover the answer options and think of the answer before reading the possible choices. • Read all choices before answering. • Cross out or highlight choices you know are incorrect. • …
You can master test-anxiety and improve your performance on exams by following a simple plan: develop good study habits, use effective techniques to memorize content, take steps to reduce test anxiety, and take advantage of smart strategies when taking the test. Read through the tips below for ideas that you can use:
What strategies will help during a multiple choice test? Researchers agree on several key test-taking approaches that will produce improved results on multiple-choice exams: • Read the question (including every option). This seems obvious, but it is not unusual for students to quickly scan a question, see a familiar