How did people find nickel in the Sudbury Basin?
Sudbury Basin: Sudbury Basin is a large geologic structure located in Ontario, Canada, and is the result of an impact crater from a meteor of at least 10 km in size over 1.8 billion years ago. The amount of force and pressure generated by this impact created a high density of several types of minerals in the area, including nickel and copper.
Where is the Sudbury Basin? - Homework.Study.com
Sudbury Basin is a geologic structure that is the result of a very large and ancient impact crater. In fact, it is the third-largest known impact crater on Earth, resulting from a meteor between 10 and 15 km in diameter striking the Earth over 1.8 billion years ago.
How big is the Sudbury Basin? - Homework.Study.com
Sudbury Basin: Sudbury Basin is a geologic structure north of Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada formed by the impact of a large meteor about 1.85 billion years ago. It was discovered in 1856 during a survey which found magnetic abnormalities, indicating there were likely mineral deposits.
When was the Sudbury Basin created? | Homework.Study.com
Sudbury Basin: Sudbury Basin is a large geologic structure created by the impact crater of a meteor strike. It is located near Sudbury in Ontario, Canada, and is home to one of the most productive nickel mines in the world due to mineral formation from the force of impact. Answer and Explanation: 1
How was the Sudbury Basin formed? | Homework.Study.com
Sudbury Basin: Sudbury Basin is a large geologic feature in Ontario, Canada about 60 km long and 30 km wide. It is most notable for its metal deposits, including nickel, copper, and platinum, which are mined extensively.
What caused the Sudbury Basin? - Homework.Study.com
Sudbury Basin: Sudbury Basin is a large geologic structure located north of Lake Superior in Ontario, Canada, about 130 km in diameter. It is known for its fertile farmland within the basin and rich mineral deposits primarily in the rim surrounding it. Answer and Explanation: 1
How fast was the Sudbury Basin comet going?
The Sudbury Basin: One of the richest deposits of minerals on the Earth's surface, the Sudbury Basin, and the resulting mining complex, resulted from the impact of a comet about 10 km in diameter. The third largest impact crater found on the Earth, the Sudbury basin is also one of the oldest, over 1.8 billion years old, originating from a time ...
How was the Great Artesian Basin formed? - Homework.Study.com
The Great Artesian Basin is the most prolific artesian well in the world, underlying much of the eastern half of Australia and providing most of the drinking water for the interior of the country Answer and Explanation: 1
What is the Great Basin? - Homework.Study.com
The Great Basin is a large watershed located in the Western and Southwestern United States. The area covered by the watershed includes most of the...
How was the Amazon Basin formed? | Homework.Study.com
Amazon Basin: By far the largest river basin in the world, the Amazon Basin drains most of northern South America. It produces the largest river outflow on Earth, dumping millions of gallons of water into the Atlantic Ocean each second.