BE SKATING ON THIN ICE中文 (简体)翻译:剑桥词典
BE SKATING ON THIN ICE翻译:如履薄冰;冒险。 了解更多。
Meaning of be skating on thin ice in English - Cambridge …
BE SKATING ON THIN ICE definition: 1. to be doing something that is dangerous or involves risks: 2. to be doing something that is…. Learn more.
be (skating) on thin ice | meaning of be (skating) on thin ice in ...
• Legally, the company is on very thin ice with its actions. • He was on thin ice before. • It had been granted grudgingly and she knew she was on thin ice as far as her superiors were concerned. be skating on thin ice informal to be doing something that …
Skate on thin ice - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
A hazardous course of action or conversation. “In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay Prudence (1841). Literally, it is possible to skate over very thin ice without breaking through if one glides quickly enough, but Emerson was already using the expression figuratively.
Idiom: On thin ice (meaning & examples) - Oyster English
(skating / treading / walking) on thin ice: 1. in a dangerous position where you could fall or have an unfavorable result; 2) in a risky or uncertain situation. Notes: If you walk, tread or skate on thin ice there is a good chance that you might fall through the ice and into the freezing cold water.
Skating on thin ice - Idioms by The Free Dictionary
A hazardous course of action or conversation. “In skating over thin ice our safety is in our speed,” wrote Ralph Waldo Emerson in his essay Prudence (1841). Literally, it is possible to skate over very thin ice without breaking through if one glides quickly enough, but Emerson was already using the expression figuratively.
Skating on thin ice and on thin ice - GRAMMARIST
Skating on thin ice is an idiom used to describe when someone is doing something risky or dangerous. Skating on thin ice may also be used to mean that someone is engaging in behavior that will cause him trouble.
Skate on thin ice 情况危急,如履薄冰 - 中国日报网英语点津
To skate on thin ice “在薄冰上溜冰” 这个短语实际上是描述某人身处危险境地或是有惹祸上身的可能。 例句. You're skating on thin ice when you ask me what I think of you. You're skating on thin ice by always coming in late. By introducing these reforms before the election, the Prime Minister is skating on thin ...
Understanding "on thin ice" Idiom: Meaning, Origins & Usage ...
When we say someone is “on thin ice”, it means they are in a precarious situation where one wrong move could have serious consequences. Some synonyms for this idiom include walking a tightrope, skating on thin ice, treading on dangerous ground, and playing with fire. These phrases all convey a sense of danger or risk.
Understanding "skate on thin ice" Idiom: Meaning, Origins
The idiom “skate on thin ice” is a common phrase used to describe a situation where someone is taking a risk or doing something dangerous. The origins of this idiom can be traced back to ancient times when people would skate on frozen lakes and rivers during the winter months.