SCP-628 - SCP Foundation
2022年10月20日 · Description: Above the soil surface, SCP-628 consists of a copse of 31 large, hollow American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) trees, with trunks from 224 to 455 cm in external diameter. The copse is a colonial organism: below ground, the trees are linked by massive, hollow woody stolons.
SCP-628 | Flute Copse (SCP Orientation) - YouTube
2022年4月16日 · Above the soil surface, SCP-628 consists of a copse of 31 large, hollow American sycamore trees, with trunks from 224 to 455 cm in external diameter. The copse is a colonial organism: below...
SCP-682 - SCP Foundation
2024年10月10日 · Description: SCP-682 is a large, vaguely reptile-like creature of unknown origin. It appears to be extremely intelligent, and was observed to engage in complex communication with SCP-079 during their limited time of exposure. SCP-682 appears to have a hatred of all life, which has been expressed in several interviews during containment.
SCP Foundation: SCPs 600 to 799 Recap - TV Tropes
SCP-628 is a copse of 31 large, leafless, hollowed-out American sycamore trees. The copse is a colonial organism, individual trees being linked by massive, hollow stolons. These "runner trunks" connect the base of each trunk to a maximum of seven of its neighbors. SCP-628 is capable of isolating any given resonance chamber to play recognizable ...
SCP-628 - SCP Foundation Classic - Wikidot
SCP-628 wields a heightened amount of physical strength that it seems to use only in self-defense. SCP-628 also appears to have some sort of memetic abilities, as most personnel who are untrained are easily enraged by SCP-628's speech, and tend to attempt to either attack it, physically or verbally.
SCP 628 Flute Copse - YouTube
2021年4月18日 · SCP-628 is a copse of hollow American Sycamore trees that, during a calm windy day, will play music in a style of a flute. However, it has a deadly defense if threatened to be...
SCP-628 | Flute Copse | Restricted | Euclid | Vlam | Caution
Source: https://scpwiki.com/scp-628.Licensed under CC-BY-SA. - https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/
628 - SCP Foundation - GitHub Pages
Description: SCP-628 is a scale model of the digestive system of a human, constructed of high quality plastics. The object weighs 590 grams. It was built by SCP-628-A and SCP-628-B in 1973 with the assistance of another man who is unknown.
SCP-628 - Fondation SCP
SCP-628 est capable d’isoler n’importe quelle chambre de résonnance en 0,2 secondes, de manière suffisamment rapide pour jouer une musique perceptible. Si les conditions venteuses sont suffisantes, l’objet le fera spontanément.
SCP-628 - Поющая роща
scp-628 способны изолировать и раскрывать резонансные камеры в течение 0,4 секунды, - достаточно быстро, чтобы воспроизвести узнаваемую мелодию.