Mp3tag - the universal Tag Editor (ID3v2, MP4, OGG, FLAC, ...)
The universal tag editor and more ... Mp3tag is a powerful and easy-to-use tool to edit metadata of audio files. It supports batch tag-editing of ID3v1, ID3v2.3, ID3v2.4, iTunes MP4, WMA, Vorbis Comments and APE Tags for multiple files at once covering a variety of audio formats.. Furthermore, it supports online database lookups from, e.g., Discogs, MusicBrainz or freedb, allowing you to ...
Tagging Amazon RDS resources - Amazon Relational Database …
To add one or more tags to an Amazon RDS resource, use the AWS CLI command add-tags-to-resource. To list the tags on an Amazon RDS resource, use the AWS CLI command list-tags-for-resource. To remove one or more tags from an Amazon RDS resource, use the AWS CLI command remove-tags-from-resource.
Remove padding for tag - General Discussion - Mp3tag Community
2006年4月14日 · I have to remove padding for to import mp3's to a RDS phantom (old dos radio station automation sever). Don't care about tags at all due to most is for radio ad's. thanks. drx. If you delete the ID3v2 tag, its padding is also removed. Go to Options > Tags > Mpeg and choose the tag types you want to delete and then just use the button.
Editor - mp3tag.js
Everything is done through your browser. Edit your audio files easily with this mp3tagger!
音乐标签修改器——Mp3tag - CSDN博客
2022年3月7日 · 本文介绍了如何使用 Mp3tag 工具进行音频文件的元数据编辑,包括设置中文界面、按艺术家和唱片集分类、以及依据标签信息批量重命名文件。 此外,还详细说明了如何批量去除标题中的特定后缀,例如移除 (LiveInHongKong,2013)。 这个实用指南对于整理个人音乐库非常有帮助。 Mp3tag 是一款通用标签编辑器,用于编辑音频文件 元数据: 设为中文:Tools → Options → Language → 简体中文. 一级分类:artist(艺术家) 二级分类:album(唱片集) 文件命 …
Mp3tag(音乐标签编辑器) v3.28 便携汉化版 - 果核剥壳
2024年11月20日 · Mp3tag是一款功能强大的音频文件元数据编辑工具,支持批量编辑多种音频格式文件的ID3标签,支持从在线数据库自动收集标签并下载封面,支持封面艺术下载,支持批量导出封面,支持多种标签编辑功能,支持Unicode标准,支持多种音频格式,支持批量导出嵌入式专辑封面,支持iTunes专用标签,支. Mp3tag是一个功能强大且易于使用的工具,用于编辑音频文件的元数据。 它支持批量标签编辑ID3v1,ID3v2.3,ID3v2.4,iTunes MP4,WMA,Vorbis评 …
Mp3tag音乐标签编辑神器v3.26 Win & 1.8.22Mac歌曲分类神器
2024年6月3日 · 所谓ID3-Tag信息,就是在MP3文件中加入曲名、演唱者、专集、年月、流派、注释等信息,便于收集歌曲。 支持批量标签ID3v1,ID3v2.3,id3v2.4,iTunes MP4、WMA编辑,Vorbis评论和元标记多个文件一次涵盖多种音频格式。
VivekR57/MP3-Tag-reader- - GitHub
A desktop application for reading and displaying ID3v2.3 tag information from MP3 files. The software allows users to view metadata such as title, artist, album, and genre. Future extensions may include tag editing features.
Tag Field Mappings - Mp3tag Documentation
The list below gives an overview of all tag fields available in Mp3tag, their names to be used in Mp3tag, and how they are mapped to the internal structures of the different tag formats. You can edit these tag fields via View → Extended Tags..., add user-defined fields to the Tag Panel, or add user-defined columns to the File List.
Tagging Amazon Aurora and Amazon RDS resources
To add a tag to an Amazon RDS resource, use the AddTagsToResource operation. To list tags that are assigned to an Amazon RDS resource, use the ListTagsForResource. To remove tags from an Amazon RDS resource, use the RemoveTagsFromResource operation.