Eating Sick or Injured pigs - Homesteading Forum
2014年11月25日 · An example is a hernia. A herniating pig is not a good pig to raise but it is fine meat. Another example is a broken leg. A broken leg may eliminate the animal from the gene …
Butchering after penicillin | Homesteading Forum
2020年12月6日 · Hi folks! We raised our first pig this year and 2 weeks away from our planned butcher date, our pig got sick. He's a 180 lb Hampshire. Last week we noticed that he was …
Pot Belly Pig Boar X Yorkshire Guilt | Homesteading Forum
2010年7月28日 · As to the eating grass, our big farm pigs thrive on pasture/hay depending on the season (warm/winter). We supplement that with dairy, mostly in the form of whey from cheese …
My pig has a limp - Homesteading Forum
2004年9月10日 · Vet wanted far far more than the pig was worth. I wondered if it was west nile, I even offered to give the pig to the health dept, local veterinary college and, ag ext, hoping for …
eating a big sow? - Homesteading Forum
2008年6月13日 · Hi we have got a few really big sow slaughtered and what I do is I cure the legs ham of the bone [that boned out], and I leave the loin on the back bone and cure and smoked . …
why 'bleed' a pig? - Homesteading Forum
2009年11月14日 · Your pork was not bled well. It can be hard to get at a pig after is has been shot or stunned, and some will wait for all the thrashing to stop before bleeding. It doesn't …
Feeding whole corn to piglets | Homesteading Forum
2008年5月20日 · the farm i work on feeds 17% pig grower and cracked corn we mix the food for the evening feeding with water in the morning after the morning feeding is done, so it gets …
How old is too old to butcher & eat? | Homesteading Forum
2009年1月8日 · If sending to a shop talk to the guy, he can tell you a lot when he gets her appart. Anyway, have the bacons done, and the ribs.... I cant imagine a pig so bad that suckin on rib …
Can pigs eat too much pumpkin? | Homesteading Forum
2009年11月29日 · Rather they tend to eat a good balance when presented with a free feeding of a variety of things. They will get tired of the pumpkins and leave some to come back to it …
Pig with sore leg - need advice | Homesteading Forum
2012年6月7日 · I have a pig (100 lbs) that is keeping weight off one of her hind legs. There is no visible injury, just a lot of limping. She is still eating fine, and able to go up/down the hill to the …