Psalm 23: Verse by verse meaning - Bibleinfo.com
Meaning of Psalm 23 1. The Lord is my Shepherd; I shall not want. Only a shepherd could write Psalm 23, and David was a shepherd. The Lord is the Shepherd of His people and they are His sheep; so David said, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want.” In eastern lands, the shepherd goes before his flock—he leads them.
What does it mean that the Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23)?
2023年5月16日 · Psalm 23:1–3 tells us that the shepherd meets the sheep’s every need: food, water, rest, safety, and direction. When we as believers follow our Shepherd, we, too, know that we will have all we need. We will not lack the necessities of life, for He knows exactly what we need (Luke 12:22–30).
What does “he makes me lie down in green pastures” mean …
2023年10月5日 · Psalm 23 offers comfort with its soothing words and assurance in the Shepherd. Its poetic allure attracts even unbelievers, while its pastoral imagery draws from David’s own shepherding background, aiming to evoke a sense of tranquility. Throughout Psalm 23, the timeless truth about God and His relationship with His people unfolds.
What are the rod and staff in Psalm 23? | GotQuestions.org
2024年2月5日 · Psalm 23:4, addressing the Lord Shepherd, says, “Your rod and your staff, they comfort me.” David bases this description on the practices of shepherds in his day. Shepherds of the time commonly carried a rod and staff as essential to their work. The rod mentioned in Psalm 23 is a symbol of the Lord’s strength and protection.
What does David mean when he says, “He leads me in the paths of ...
2023年10月5日 · For the soul in need of restoration, Psalm 23 is perhaps the most comforting place to turn in all the Bible. King David, who had tended his father’s flocks as a boy, had come to know God as the shepherd of his life. In Psalm 23:3, …
What is the meaning of, “I shall not want” in Psalm 23:1?
2023年5月16日 · In one of the most comforting Bible passages, King David declares, “The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want” (Psalm 23:1, ESV). The word want in this case means “to have a need” or “to lack”; the psalmist’s confident assurance is that, with the Lord as his shepherd, he would never lack a thing.
What is the significance of David saying, “You anoint my head with …
2022年1月4日 · In Psalm 23:5, David said to the Lord, “You anoint my head with oil” because he regarded himself as the Lord’s special guest. David had been invited to dine now and forever at the Lord’s table and to receive His favorable anointing .
How can we confidently say, “I will fear no evil,” as in Psalm 23:4?
2023年5月16日 · The LORD is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?” (Psalm 27:1). If we believe that God is on our side, we acknowledge, “The LORD is for me, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?” (Psalm 118:6, NLT). When we start to experience fear, we know it’s time to put our trust in God (Psalm 56:3).
How are the steps of a man ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23)?
2023年5月30日 · In Psalm 37:23 the psalmist observes that “the steps of a man are ordered by the Lord” (BSB). Earlier in the psalm, David explains that, when we commit our way to the Lord, He will bring about our righteousness. In Psalm 37:23 David proclaims that God orders or directs even the individual steps of the person, and God takes delight in that ...
What is the significance of David saying, “You prepare a table …
2022年1月4日 · Psalm 23 begins, “The LORD is my shepherd, I lack nothing.” The psalm’s central theme—that David lacks nothing—is reinforced through every line. The word my underscores the intimacy of David’s up-close relationship with God. David acknowledges that God is always with Him, looking out for his good, even in the darkest “valley of ...