Alaska's Arctic Deep Draft Port at Nome
The Port Of Nome is the forefront of America's Arctic; it is uniquely positioned to advance national interests in the region, while strengthening the economic pillars of western Alaska.
Nome Secures $548M Deal for First US Arctic Deep-Water Port
2024年1月30日 · The Port of Nome will offer the nation’s first Arctic deep-water port under an agreement between the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Alaska District and the City of Nome, which owns and...
Cruising to Nome: The first U.S. deep water port for the Arctic to …
2023年6月18日 · Shipping lanes that were once clogged with ice for much of the year along Alaska’s western and northern coasts have relented thanks to global warming, and the nation’s first deep water Arctic port should be operational in Nome by the end of the decade. (Nome Harbormaster Lucas Stotts/City of Nome via AP)
Port of Nome Modification Project - United States Army
The construction project aims to provide larger vessels improved access to Nome’s existing harbor by enlarging the outer basin and creating a new deep-water basin with a depth of minus 40 feet....
W911KB24R0010: Port of Nome Modification Phase 1, Nome, …
Port of Nome Modification Phase 1, Nome, Alaska - This project will expand the Port of Nome and extend the West Causeway by approximately 3,500 linear feet into the Deep-Water Basin. The work includes 2000 feet of Open Cell Sheet Pile (OCSP) dock fac
Cruising to Nome: The first U.S. deep water port for the Arctic to …
2023年6月19日 · Shipping lanes that were once clogged with ice for much of the year along Alaska's western and northern coasts have relented thanks to global warming, and the nation's first deep water Arctic port should be operational in Nome by the end of the decade.
Port Progress - Alaska Contractor
fter more than a decade of planning, the long-awaited Arctic deep draft port at the Port of Nome is inching toward construction. This joint project between the United States Army Corps of Engineers, or USACE, and the City of Nome will improve the safety, reliability, and efficiency of waterborne transportation systems that utilize the port.
Cruising to Nome: First U.S. deep water port for the Arctic to host ...
2023年6月19日 · A more than $600-million US expansion is expected to make Nome, Alaska, pop. 3,500, home to the U.S.'s first deep-water Arctic port. Climate change is making it possible.
The Port of Nome, located just south of the Arctic Circle, is strategically positioned to serve national, state, regional, and local needs. Nome is the regional transshipment hub for many Western Alaska communities that rely on the port for movement of heating oil and gasoline, construction supplies, non-perishable food, gravel, and other cargo.
•Only deep-water port in the U.S. Arctic. •Serves as critical link for regional communities to rest of Alaska. •Existing port facilities in the region are overcrowded, with insufficient