Pathology Outlines - Anatomy & histology-placenta & umbilical …
2023年9月5日 · Also has excretory and endocrine functions; numerous hormones, such as human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), progesterone, estrone, estradiol, estriol and human placental lactogen (hPL), are secreted by the placenta Umbilical cord: anatomic tubular structure that physically connects the developing intrauterine fetus to the placenta, which is ...
Single umbilical artery and supernumerary vessels
2020年10月29日 · Evaluation of vessel number should be performed away from the disc due to the possibility of umbilical artery anastamoses / fusion in this location Single umbilical artery associated with higher incidence of abnormal cord (velamentous) and …
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A-E: accessory lobe / bilobate placenta acute chorioamnionitis acute villitis and intervillositis amnion nodosum amnionic web and amniotic band syndrome anatomy & histology-placenta & umbilical cord blighted ovum / anembryonic gestation chorangioma chorangiomatosis chorangiosis choriocarcinoma chorionic cysts chronic deciduitis chronic ...
Placenta - Pathology Outlines - Nuchal cord
2016年3月1日 · If the umbilical cord begins to constrict around the neck, vascular occlusion of the umbilical vessels and subsequent decreased venous return from the placenta can lead to asphyxia In type A nuchal cord, the placental end of the umbilical cord crosses over the fetal end, allowing the ability for the nuchal cord to undo itself in time (an ...
Pathology Outlines - Umbilical vasculitis and funisitis
2021年12月16日 · Microorganisms gain access to the placenta or umbilical cord by ascension from the endocervical canal, by the maternal blood stream or by direct inoculation (such as from a diagnostic procedure) Cytokines (IL8, interferon gamma, complement components, leukotriene B4) are released by endothelium, mast cells and macrophages in response, creating ...
Marginal insertion - Pathology Outlines
6 天之前 · Fetal growth restriction and the presence of a single umbilical artery (two vessel umbilical cord) are slightly increased with marginal insertions Major chorionic vessels (that would normally insert on the disc more centrally) can instead transverse the adjacent membranes, are termed aberrant membrane vessels and are at risk for rupture
Pathology Outlines - Furcate insertion
2016年7月1日 · Umbilical vessels are seen to divide before reaching the placental surface, usually only involving the distal most 1 - 4 cm of the cord Hemorrhage surrounding the vessels may very rarely indicate vascular rupture
Torsion / hypercoiling - Pathology Outlines
2011年11月1日 · Normal umbilical cord has approximately 1 coil per 5 cm Number of coils is related to fetal movement Torsion / hypercoiling (> 2 coils per 5 cm) is associated with extremely long cords, twin gestation and cocaine; has increased risk of fetal growth restriction or death
Pathology Outlines - Eosinophilic / T cell chorionic vasculitis
2024年8月13日 · Mature placenta (weight = fiftieth percentile for gestational age); eosinophilic / T cell chorionic vasculitis (see comment) Comment: Eosinophilic / T cell chorionic vasculitis is an idiopathic lesion defined by a mixed infiltrate of T cells, eosinophils and histiocytes within the vessel wall of ≥ 1 chorionic or stem villous vessel.
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2021年9月2日 · Placenta: Heavy, slightly immature placenta (650 g fresh, trimmed; > 90th percentile for 39 weeks gestational age) Long umbilical cord (85 cm, expect 50 - 70 cm at term) Chorangiosis, diffuse (see comment) Comment: Chorangiosis, when diffuse, is a rare finding associated with in utero hypoxia.