Cancer Pathology Tissue Slides FAQ - UCSF Health
What are pathology slides? When a patient has a biopsy or surgery, the surgeon often will remove diseased tissue for examination by the hospital's pathology department. The tissue is referred to as a "tissue block." The pathologist will slice the tissue block into very thin layers that are placed on a glass slide and examined under a microscope.
Pathology Slides | LMP - Digital Laboratory Medicine Library
LMP10688 : Kidney, Clear cell papillary renal cell carcinoma, CD10 stain
Duke Pathology 750 - Comprehensive Slide Guide - Duke …
Slide 6-01. Adenomatous polyp, colon [DigitalScope] Slide 6-02. Invasive adenocarcinoma of the colon [DigitalScope] Slide 6-03. Sarcoma, metastatic to lung [DigitalScope] Slide 6-04. Lung with adenocarcinoma [DigitalScope] Slide 6-05. Squamous cell carcinoma of the lung [DigitalScope] Slide 6-06. Leiomyoma of the uterus [DigitalScope] Slide 7 ...
MGH Cytology - Digital Study Set - MGH Learn Pathology
This digital slide collection represents over 20 years of interesting and exceptional cytopathology specimens collected for study sets at the Massachusetts General Hospital. To date, the collection is composed of 1,160 slides .
Pathology images and text for medical education - WebPath
WebPath contains pathology images, text, examinations, and tutorials for medical education
Virtual Slide List | histology - University of Michigan
If you have questions or comments regarding the University of Michigan virtual slide collection, please contact Dr. Hortsch at hortsch at umich.edu. Virtual Slide List for Histology Course Slide Category
OU Pathology Online Virtual Slides Whole Slide Image (WSI) …
OU Pathology Online Slides, Atlas, & Quizzes. For Medical Students & Residents. Department of Pathology, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Oklahoma City, OK, U.S.A. This program is intended only for educational purposes and not for diagnostic, research, or therapeutic purposes. Copy rights reserved. R - Resident Level.
Pathology Lecture Files - Indiana University Bloomington
Dr. Braun's Slides & Recorded Lectures. Below are PDF files of Dr. Braun's PowerPoint presentations. Click to open, then you can print. ... Endocrine pathology. Lecture 1 MP3 iPod; Lecture 2 MP3 iPod; Male Reproductive diseases. Lecture 1 MP3 iPod ...
Pathorama provides you with high quality images and virtual slides for teaching and self-instruction covering a wide range of topics in all subspecialities of surgical pathology and cytology. Various courses, slide seminars, quizzes, and learning games for both students, surgical pathologists, and cytopathologists are available.
Virtual Pathology Museum - NUS Pathweb
General and Systemic Pathology Virtual Slides. Click on the icon below to access resources for tutorial classes including virtual microscopy slides used in the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine (NUS Medicine) and Students' Set of Tutorial Powerpoint Slides.