Neural inhibition - Scholarpedia
2011年10月21日 · The concept of inhibition entails several meanings, including interruption or blockade of activity and restriction of activity patterns in both space and time.
Neural inhibition as implemented by an actor-critic model
2024年3月16日 · We scanned human adults while they performed an fMRI inhibitory task requiring trial-and-error learning. Guided by an actor-critic model, our results implicate the dorsal striatum and the ventral...
Roles and Transcriptional Responses of Inhibitory Neurons in …
As recent transcriptomic studies have revealed, memory encoding induces persistent transcriptional and functional changes in a plethora of neuronal subtypes and non-neuronal cells, including glutamatergic excitatory neurons, GABAergic inhibitory neurons, and glia cells.
How Inhibitory Neurons Shape the Brain’s Code - BrainFacts
2021年10月6日 · Inhibitory neurons comprise just 10-20% of all the neurons in the brain, but they play an outsized role in packaging and transmitting information in the brain. Buzsáki, a professor at New York University’s Langone Medical Center, likens this role to the natural breaks in …
Inhibition of Action, Thought, and Emotion: A Selective …
The neural bases of inhibitory function are reviewed, covering data from paradigms assessing inhibition of motor responses (antisaccade, go/nogo, stop-signal), cognitive sets (e.g., Wisconsin Card Sort Test), and emotion (fear extinction).
Neural inhibition for continual learning and memory
2021年4月1日 · Here I explore the possibility that neural inhibition plays an important role. I present recent findings from studies in humans that suggest inhibition regulates the stability of neural networks to gate cortical plasticity and memory retrieval.
Neural inhibition may therefore play a critical role in the computations that underlie higher-order cognition and adaptive behaviour. The term inhibition is embedded in our language and in our thinking. But what does it mean?
Nerve Cell Inhibition - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Nerve cell inhibition is defined as a general deactivation of the central nervous system, which can result from electrical stimulation of specific brain regions like the hippocampus. This type of inhibition can lead to a decrease in neural impulses entering other brain areas, contributing to the regulation of sensory input and motor behavior.
Neural mechanisms of domain-general inhibitory control
2024年2月1日 · We now describe recent studies that show preliminary evidence that fronto-subthalamic inhibitory circuitry may affect nonmotor processes, and more generally, that motor and cognitive inhibition may involve a domain-general neural mechanism operating in the β band.
Neural inhibition for continual learning and memory - PubMed
Together these studies reveal a model whereby neural inhibition protects memories from interference to permit continual learning. Neural inhibition may, therefore, play a critical role in the computations that underlie higher-order cognition and adaptive behaviour.