哥伦布,俄亥俄州附近的结果 ·
  2. 墨西拿是意大利西西里岛上第三大的城市,也是墨西拿广域市的首府。墨西拿在西西里岛的东北角,正对墨西拿海峡。 墨西拿为古代来自希腊麦西尼亚的殖民者于公元前8世记时为了逃避当时征服麦西尼亚的斯巴达人统治而建立,古称梅萨纳,又译梅西那或麦散那,距今有二千八百多年历史。1908年12月28日的大地震和海啸将墨西拿夷为平地,大约100,000到200,000人丧生。二战时又遭炸毁。但经半个世纪的重建,墨西拿现在人口已达二十七万。
    海拔3 米(10 英尺)
    居民称谓Messinesi, Peloritani

    Messina is a harbour city and the capital of the Italian Metropolitan City of Messina. It is the third largest city on the island of Sicily, and the 13th largest city in Italy, with a population of more than 218,000 inhabitants in th… 展开


    Founded by Greek colonists of Magna Graecia in the 8th century BC, Messina was originally called Zancle (Ancient Greek: Ζάγκλη), from the Greek ζάγκλον meaning "scythe" because of the shape of its natural harbour (though … 展开

    Main sights

    • The cathedral (12th century), containing the remains of the king Conrad, ruler of Germany and Sicily in the 13th century. The building had to be almost entirely rebuilt in 1919–20, following the devastating 1908 earthquake, … 展开

    Public transport

    The new Messina Centrale station building was projected following the modern criteria of the futurist architect Angiolo Mazzoni, and is extended through the stations square. It is at almost contiguous with Messina Marittima station, … 展开

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