2016年5月14日 · Double Focusing Magnetic Sector Mass Spec Vac System System Design Features •Large Capacity Turbo or Dual Stage Primary Pump required to reduce inlet gas load •Dedicated Backing Pump for Mag Sector Section maximizes compression •System layout complicates move to Multi-Inlet Turbo Pumps Trends •Movement to …
Turbo Pumps in Pumping Speed Ranges of 70 to 2300 L/s - Agilent
Discover Agilent turbo pumps, with pumping speeds ranging from 70 to 2300 L/s. These turbomolecular pumps are suitable for a wide range of applications from academic to analytical instrumentation and nanotechnologies with low base pressure and gas flow pumps available.
In this final get-your-fingernails-dirty technical installment, we describe the op-eration of the diffusion and turbomolecu-lar pumps (1, 2) often used to achieve the high vacuum necessary for operating many mass spectrometers.
Pfeiffer Turbo Pumps
The most important instrument for creating high vacuum is the turbo molecular pump, which was devised at the Pfeiffer factory in 1957 by W. Becker. The new HiPace line of turbo pumps are equipped with integrated controllers for modular design and maximum flexibility to assist in making installation easy.
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A complete family of Turbo Pumps including the innovative break-through TwisTorr FS pumps. Agilent turbo pumps are designed for reliability and optimum performance in real world applications to meet
designed SEM turbo pumps including 80 l/s, 300 l/s, 550 l/s, 700 l/s and 1000 l/s speeds (see page 4). All of Varian’s SEM turbo pumps designs can be verified in
Turbo Pumps
Rugged, powerful turbopump with a pumping speed of up to 260 l/s for N2. The EXT75DX is a hybrid bearing compound turbo pump that combines the proven technology of a ceramic mechanical lower bearing.
Agilent Technologies Varian Turbo Pumps - Turbo Vacuum
Agilent offers the TwisTorr range of turbomolecular pumps from 80 to 800 liters/second pumping speed. Agilent turbo pumps are optimized for high compression ratio for low base pressure, high pressure differential for high throughput. The turbo pumps are oil-free, and may be operated in any position without stress on materials.
Pfeiffer Vacuum SplitFlow 310 Mass Spec Turbomolecular Pump
This present version of a turbomolecular drag pump has been designed for a special application on the basis of the SplitFlow™ principle. This turbo pump can only be operated in conjunction with its designated components. Questions? Please call our toll free number at 866-332-0500 or send an email to our sales team! Need modifications to this item?
Turbomolecular Pump - SHIMADZU CORPORATION
A turbomolecular pump is a clean vacuum pump suitable as the main pump of a mass spectrometer. The blades of a turbomolecular pump (TMP), rotating with high speed, for example 60,000 RPM, hit gas molecules down and remove gas from the vacuum chamber.