How do I type a heart symbol with my keyboard? - PC.net
2010年5月20日 · Click the heart to select it, then press the Insert button at the bottom of the character palette to insert the heart (♥) wherever your cursor is located in the current application. If the current application will not open the Character Palette, you can add a shortcut to it on the right side of the Mac OS X menu bar .
Broken Heart Emoticons - PC.net
2011年1月12日 · The heart is represented by the <3 characters and the signifies the separation of the heart. The emoticon is commonly used when words cannot adequately express your sorrow like when you are dumped by your SO , betrayed by your BFF , or can't find wifi.
What are the function keys at the top of my keyboard for? - PC.net
2006年7月7日 · When you highlight a file or folder in an open window, pressing the F2 key will allow you to rename it. The F5 key is commonly used to refresh or update the content of a desktop window or a webpage in Internet Explorer. The Alt+F4 keyboard combination is typically used for closing a window.
Skype Emoticon Shortcuts - PC.net
View a list of emoticon shortcuts supported by Skype.
Where is the return key on my keyboard? - PC.net
2014年6月25日 · If you use a Mac, the Return key is on the right side of keyboard, in the middle row. On some Macs, both "return" and "enter" are printed on the Return key. (See the image of the MacBook Pro keyboard below). The Return key has the same function as the Enter key on a Windows keyboard.
Facebook Emoticon Shortcuts - PC.net
View a list of emoticon shortcuts supported by Facebook.
Text-Based Emoticons - PC.net
A searchable database of ASCII text-based emoticons and smiley faces.
Kirby Emoticons - PC.net
2010年1月20日 · Copy: Popularity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Common Direction: Vertical (not tilted sideways) Added: May 3, 2010: Description: Kirby is a round-shaped Nintendo character who has a pink color.
Bird Emoticons - PC.net
Copy: Popularity ★ ★ ★ ★ ☆ Common Direction: Horizontal (tilted 90° left) Added: October 20, 2009: Description: The tilde (~) represents feathers on top of the bird's head and the brackets represent the beak.
Can I use different keyboards with my computer? - PC.net
2011年1月25日 · When using a Mac keyboard on a Windows machine, the Option key may serve as the Alt key and the Command key may function as the Windows key. If these key mappings are not ideal, downloading the keyboard software should allow you to change them to suit your preferences. Published: January 25, 2011 — by Per Christensson