The Struggle for Democracy and Socialism in Latin America
Latin America’s working people and the poor have unleashed a new wave of resistance and self-assertion. In Chile the movement was sparked by a public transit fare increase; in Ecuador a cut in fuel subsidies sent people into the streets; in Haiti persistent poverty and government corruption sparked protests.
How Should DSA Engage With the Latin American Left?
Beginning in the late 1990s and early 2000s, Latin America saw a surge in left wing parties and candidates winning elections. Often referred to as the “Pink Tide,” this trend has encompassed a variety of different movements throughout the region, with its initial successes including the elections of Presidents Hugo Chávez in Venezuela and ...
Going the Distance: What Can DSA Learn from the 1980s Central …
Finally, the connection between U.S. imperial domination of Latin America and job flight had not yet been as strongly planted in the mind of many working people as it has today. Future anti-Imperialist movements will have to involve immigrants from the countries in the U.S. government’s sights, something that the Central America movement of ...
A Crisis of Our Own Making: U.S. Foreign Policy and Latin …
The U.S. has long been willing to exploit less-developed countries in Latin America for the sake of economic gain and geopolitical domination, regardless of the cost. Though some states (i.e. Argentina or Chile) have relatively more developed economies, much of Latin America remains impoverished, and measures of social inequality in the region ...
The Case for a Culture International: Learning from the 20th …
Nueva Canción and the Latin American Left. Nueva Canción was a Latin American folk music-revival movement that emerged in the mid-1960s and continued through the 1970s and 1980s. Because of its pan-Latin American scope, the style of Nueva Canción artists was incredibly diverse. However, the movement prioritized the inclusion of indigenous ...
Between Sovereignty and Solidarity - Socialist Forum - dsausa.org
In 1936, socialists and communists around the world wanted the direct intervention of their respective imperialist countries in Spain to support the Spanish Republic. Even though the United States was being very naughty in Latin America, people here said, “the US government should support the Spanish Republic.”
The International Question in DSA - Socialist Forum - dsausa.org
Turning toward the resolutions that have been proposed to the upcoming convention, there’s one to re-emphasize our work on Latin America and to join the São Paulo Forum (Foro de São Paulo, FSP). I think we should do that, because the relation to the PT in Brazil is extremely important. You cannot overestimate how important Brazil is.
Practicing Labor Internationalism in a Time of Crisis
For an analysis of how one particular GUF, the International Union of Foodworkers (IUF), functioned in creating global networks of workers within Coca-Cola and Nestle, please see a paper I wrote with colleagues from Russia, the Asia-Pacific, and Latin America. Most Palestinian unions are affiliated with one GUF or another.
Editorial Note: The Challenge of Socialist Internationalism Today
Latin America has long been a focus of international solidarity work among U.S. socialists. In his article, veteran activist David Grosser looks back at the Central American solidarity movement of the 1980s, when Americans mobilized to oppose the government’s support for dictatorships and death squads in the region.
Ten Arguments for Open Borders, the Abolition of ICE, and an ...
Much of Asia, Africa, and Latin America is much poorer. As long as wealth remains unequally distributed among nations, people will migrate to wealthier countries for better jobs and wages. In the 1980s, European social democrats argued that the world’s wealth was distributed in a way that is unequal, unfair, and ultimately unsustainable.