How Can I Fix my Big Front Teeth? - RealSelf
The two front teeth do appear to be disproportionately large. The laterals appear to be under-sized which can be common. I imagine their is healthy enamel behind the gums tissue of the laterals. Have your cosmetic dentist check the see if a gingivectomy is necessary to help with symmetry and the golden proportion (ideal smile/ tooth proportions).
What Can I Do About my Large Front Teeth That Stick Out?
2012年10月8日 · There in no question that moving the lateral (side) teeth "out" and the front teeth "in" will make the two front teeth seem less prominent and will look smaller. You will have to have full orthodontics because the lower teeth need to be aligned to achieve the movement of the upper teeth, otherwise the bite will not fit.
How Can You Fix Large Front Teeth? (photo) - RealSelf
2013年6月15日 · You have choices of lengthening the lateral top teeth which would add more symmetry to your smile. I would not reduce the size of the front teeth. Consult with more than one dentist. Listen to their options. I would go with the least invasive method first before you reduce enamel and size of teeth. You have beautiful teeth!
How "Dangerous" is It to Have my Overlarge 2 Front Teeth
2012年1月13日 · The reason being is that most people think that their front teeth should be all the same length, however, in an ideal/esthetic smile, the front 2 central incisors are usually 1mm longer than the 2 lateral incisors next to them. The reason for this is the teeth are meant to fit in the frame of the smile, and our lower lip, when smiling, is a curve.
My child has big front teeth. What can I do? (Photo) - RealSelf
2014年4月26日 · Many children have central incisors that look large until all of their permanent teeth erupt. He will likely need orthodontic treatment (braces) in the future to correct the alignment. Helpful 1 person found this helpful
Can veneers help with large front teeth and overbite? (Photos)
2016年12月1日 · Answer: Overbite/large front teeth and veneers Orthodontic treatment is absolutely the best option for you, probably more ideal with veneers after orthodontics.The only improvement veneers may offer you without orthodontics is to make your 2 front teeth appear a little less wide, by sharing this width with the adjacent lateral incisors.
My Two Front Teeth Are Bigger Than my Other Teeth. the Other
2013年3月4日 · Second, whether your two front teeth are abnormally large or whether the adjacent teeth are abnormally small in relation to the front teeth, which is a more common thing. The alignment will determine whether orthodontics would be a better option or some type of cosmetic dentistry such as veneers.
Can veneers fix my big front teeth? (photos) - RealSelf
2022年9月6日 · My problem is a small mouth, but large front teeth and a recurring overbite. I have done a lot about my overbite/overjet and jaw position, such as: - Had 2x braces (in my youth and also when I was adult) - I got an Invisalign (4 years ago) - I got a 4 hour jaw surgery (I had an abnormal chin/jaw position) I am concerned with the 4 front teeth.
How do I fix my two big front teeth? (Photos) - RealSelf
2016年8月28日 · I do not think veneers are the way to go in your case. You appear to have very nice teeth and just need to position them better. This can be done with Invisalign or conventional Orthodontics. If you widen your arch, this will help make the front teeth look less large as you will show more teeth in your smile than you do right now.
Can veneers be used to make large front teeth smaller? (Photo)
2016年9月26日 · You can definitely make your 2 front teeth smaller providing you do 4 veneers to change the width of your side teeth in order to make the front teeth smaller. If you work with a to cosmetic dentist you should not have bulky veneers. Best, Dr. Maddahi