Laryngopharyngeal Reflux (LRP) - severity and outlook?
2017年1月9日 · I have had LPR / reflux for about 5 years and have made the normal lifestyle changes (diet, bed, etc) which reduced symptoms slightly. PPIs do not seem to help so we suspect pepsin rather than acid. The severity of symptoms changes over time with throat "experiences" occuring roughly as follows: No problem (10%)
Breathing problem: Silent Reflux a hidden epidemic
2019年5月6日 · A lot of reflux is needed to damage the esophagus, but very little reflux can severely damage the more sensitive throat, sinuses and lungs. Many people with silent reflux have never even once experienced classic heartburn. How the term “silent reflux” came to be is instructive. In 1987, Walter Bo, a medical school colleague, was my patient.
Living with LPR (or not so Silent Reflux) - Patient
2018年6月11日 · I have read with great interest many posts over the past couple of months with regards to LPR / Silent Reflux and I hope you don't mind me sharing my story. Even if nobody responds or reads this post at the very least, for me personally, writing this has been very therapeutic. My story begins around early December 2017.
Silent Reflux or LPR - Mayo Clinic Connect
2023年1月27日 · Has anyone been diagnosed with silent reflux or LPR? This is a condition where there is no heartburn, but acid makes its way to the throat. I have had a sore throat/throat irritation for over two years. Would like to treat without PPI and do what I can homeopathically.
LPR/Silent Reflux - desperately in need of a miracle. Has ... - Patient
2013年2月21日 · The drugs haven't helped, I'd go so far as to say the reflux significantly worsened. I had faith in the Gaviscon Advance having read how it works but that hasn't made any difference either. I have monitored everything I eat and drink and can't find anything that triggers it with the possible exception of bread, and I may be grasping at straws ...
Can hormonal changes affect or can relax the lower esophageal
2014年1月30日 · I have just completed first month of hrt. I am 39 perimenopausal (confirmed with bloods) and with lpr reflux. I agree that hormones and stress started the reflux. I had never had any issues before then I get reflux and menstrual flooding, dizziness, headaches, insomnia and awful panic attacks at the same time out if the blue. I think it is too ...
My cure for LPR!! | Reflux Oesophagitis | Forums - Patient
The ENT consultant sees the result of the reflux around my larynx and notes it as LPR. Even his letters which I have copied to the Gastroenterologist state that. I just struggle to try and maintain positive when the person who should be the most supportive is trying to convince me the opposite of the symptoms that I present.
Can Acid Reflux (GERD) or LPR cause swollen lymph nodes?
2017年1月19日 · With all due respect, treating "acid reflux" with carbonated water is absolutely the wrong thing to do. Carbonated drinks and any drinks from a can, especially those with a high acid content such as fruit juices, are contra-indicated for reflux. PLEASE, for your own good, reconsider that idea that carbonated drinks of any kind help reflux.
My Silent Reflux LPR, Airway reflux Experience HELP - Patient
2014年5月21日 · I have been reading your email and have this silent reflux diagnosis back in November 2016 having had a sore throat for a few months. Went through the usual hoops antibiotics nose spray etc then went to see ENT consultant who diagnosed Severe LPR.
Laryngopharyngeal reflux (LPR) | Mayo Clinic Connect
2019年7月7日 · I've had diarrhea a few times and lots of headaches.I"m also worried about the things that can happen when you have so little stomach acid. I"d appreciate any comments from people who have had experience weaning off Prilosec after short term use, or anyone who has suffered with LPR or laryngopharangeal reflux, or anyone at all. Thanks for ...