The L Pull-Up - YouTube
Very few movements challenge the upper body like the L pull-up. This movement has been described as the strictest pull-up variation; the body must remain in the static hold of the L-sit,...
L-Sit Pull Ups Tutorial | Full Guide With Progressions - YouTube
2020年12月29日 · L-Sit pull ups are a stricter, more difficult variation of pull ups that increase torque at the shoulders and require signifiant strength in the abdominals and hip flexors to hold …
How to L-sit Pull Up — 3 Amazing Tips! (Calisthenics) - YouTube
2023年5月1日 · Want a big back and big arms? Add L-sit pull ups to your calisthenics workouts! The L-sit pull up is great for calisthenics beginners who want to take their pull up game to the …
4 Benefits of L-Sit Pull-Ups - BarBend
2023年7月20日 · Below are four benefits of the l-sit pull-up below, many of which are inherhent to isometric holds, pull-ups, and bodyweight training as a whole. The l-sit movement is a powerful …
L-Sit Pull-Up – Muscles Worked, Exercise Demo, and Benefits
2023年8月8日 · In this article we will discuss the l-sit pull-up, an advanced bodyweight exercise that challenges and develops core control, midline stability, and upper body strength.
L-Sit Pull-Up Progression – The Complete Exercise Guide
2023年8月8日 · In this guide we uncover the progression exercises that you should master when looking to perform the l-sit pull-up, including the strict pull-up, l-sit, and floor regressions.
The L-sit pull-ups (L-sit chin-ups) - Bodybuilding Wizard
2023年8月25日 · Exercise instruction for the L-sit pull-ups (L-sit chin-ups). Also, muscles worked, variations, replacement exercises, video, and more.
The L-Sit Pull-up: 10 Baby Steps to Mastery
2015年6月23日 · Instructions: Get into a deadhang position while hanging from a pull-up bar – elbows locked and shoulders packed down (i.e. stabilized on your torso). Raise your knees so …
How To Do L Pull Ups Properly - Flab Fix
L pull ups, also known as L-sit pull ups, are an advanced pull up-sit up hybrid exercise that requires a great deal of core strength, upper body strength and flexibility to pull off. Like other …
L Pull Ups | Workout Dojo
2012年2月20日 · L pull ups are an advanced pull up that test your core in addition to your back and arms. If you want to turn pull ups into a full body exercise, then give L pull ups a try. How …