Kenwood TK-880H-1 - Equipment Reviews - myGMRS.com Forums
2018年12月20日 · According to data sheet, TK-880 Type 1 is aligned for 450-490MHz, Type 2 is for 485-512MHz, Type 3 is 400-430MHz. I have TK-880H-1 v2.0, and there are no problems programming ham bands into it. Thanks.
Programming a Kenwood TK-880: Getting started
2020年7月16日 · QT/DQT is Kenwood's trade-name for CTCSS or DCS a.k.a "Tone Squelch" - Decode and Encode - just leave those both blank for now. under Channel Name, type "Channel 18" under W/N, select Wide instead of Narrow, unless you are talking to Midland MicroMobiles or other FRS radios, then select Narrow.
2021年10月13日 · KENWOOD TK-880 PROGRAMMING 0; KENWOOD TK-880 PROGRAMMING. Asked by labreja, October 13, 2021. Share ...
Used Kenwood TK-880 v1 worth it? - myGMRS.com Forums
2020年2月9日 · So, I posted my question about the BTECH vs. Midland mobile radios out to a Facebook GMRS group. I quickly got an offer to buy a used version 1 Kenwood TK-880. Is this still a reasonably current device? Should I bother, or pay more for a brand new BTECH or Midland? If I went with it, can/should I upgrade the firmware to version 2?
building a repeater out of two Kenwood TK-880
2014年11月12日 · Kenwood TK-880-1 ver2 40 watt (or Kenwood TK-840-1 25watt) - both inside the GMRS band. NHRC-3.1 repeater controller. NHRC-Squelch controller to be figured out later: antenna tuned for GMRS. duplexer tuned for my channel. cables I could also go with TK-840 - because i can also get a good deal on a pair of those.
Kenwood TK-880 - Technical Discussion - myGMRS.com Forums
2024年7月29日 · I just picked up a Kenwood TK-880. I powered it up and all it says on the screen is unprogrammed. I have a BlueMax49ers cable coming and I have the KPG-49D software. Do I need the software to see the firmware on the radio? Also do I need it to be programmed to use the monitor button to hear any n...
Programming a TK880 - Technical Discussion - myGMRS.com …
2019年11月14日 · And btw, the TK-880 can be easily programmed with freqs down to 440 or maybe even lower. The software will warn you that it's out of range, but it will accept it. Most radios are deaf below 446 or so though, and the vco also loses lock. There are a couple of simple adjustments to make it work down there while not sacrificing operation up to 470.
New base station with Kenwood TK-880-1 radio - myGMRS.com …
2023年5月24日 · Hello All. I finally put together a base station for the house. I'm using a Kenwood TK-880-1 purchased from ebay, a 30 amp power supply from ebay, about 30 feet of LMR-400 type cable and a Tram 1486 antenna tuned for the GMRS band. The power supply is a bit overkill as the max needed would be 8 amps for this radio.
Kenwood TK-880 microphone - myGMRS.com Forums
2022年6月25日 · I was wondering if I could use the microphone from an Icom 2730a in the Kenwood TK-880 I haven't had much luck finding the pinout for the 880, but found this on the forums. The second photo is the Icom pinout
Power and Frequency Tuning for a TK-880H - myGMRS.com Forums
2021年4月27日 · The power brick spec sheets I've looked at show a bias pin that controls the power output. I a few of the Kenwood HT designs there is a feedback loop that measures the current through a set of low resistance resistors. The voltage developed goes into the feedback loop to adjust the bias pin voltage to keep the power output on the module constant.