Season 14 itemization guide . : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
The AP build , feels more solid and realible , with the items seemigly beign designed in a way that Kata likes a lot : This is an exaple of the ap Build . Nashors while still good, it feels overshadowed by Stormsurge as 1st item . The 3 items you must rush are …
Season 14 - Here are The Best NEW Items For Katarina.
About bruiser build, the replacement of Divine Sunderer with Sunderer Sky and extra cost of Sheen made a significant down affect on this build in the early game. Instead, Bork/wits end/Hullbreaker/Triforce for Sheen proc and Terminus seems to be the best build for dancing in combat, the rest could be situational or more healing.
Theory crafting tank katarina build : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
2022年1月2日 · The build i went was first item turbo chemtank into a deaths dance 2nd, followed by blade of the ruined king 3rd, sorc boots, titanic hydra, and i didnt get to build a 6th item but i was going for a deadmans plate. Now this isnt a set build, core items would be chemtank, deaths dance, and bork. Then the rest depending on enemy team comp.
Tzarina Katarin 10 Turn Guide (Plus Suggestions) : r/totalwar - Reddit
2022年9月17日 · - Build kossar recruitment building. - Recruit two Kossars for Boyar - Change Kislev Edict to whichever you prefer (I went with the 5% money, but that doesn't do much at this point) Turn 4: - Diplomacy - Attack final enemy settlement with both Boyar and Katarin - build iron building - Recruit more Kossars with Boyar
Katalina Build : r/GranblueFantasyRelink - Reddit
Ngl this is a great overall build, I'm not a Katalina Main but i don't see anything i would change at all. You even got a lot defensive utility sigils in it like guts, autorevive, potion hoarder, improved guard and dodge paybacks increased invincibility. I would keep the build as it is an just max all sigils you havent maxed yet.
AD Katarina Build? : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
2020年11月17日 · Cool to see that you're interested in AD Katarina! Let me preface this by saying that for a new player, AD Kat may be a bit harder to play than AP Kat. It's a bit more involved, mechanic-wise. For example, you should try to maximize your AA resets from Shunpo (Katarina E) to get the most DPS, since you can't reliably one-shot enemies.
katevolved's kat tank build 65% wr master+ : r/KatarinaMains
Honestly I don't think it's her AP ratios that are a problem. Riot keeps gradually increasing them but the build almost always immediatly falls off. The problem is survivability, which has been the main selling point of both this build and the DS wits build. Kat needs one of two things, either some form of damage mitigation.
Katarina season 11 build : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
2020年12月5日 · Katarina season 11 build Question Hey there, i recently picked up katarina again in season 11 because she looked fun and good but I quickly got overwhelmed by all the different build path so I went here to ask questions about it.
Bruiser Katarina is possible? : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
2024年1月23日 · Because botrk is enough of a 1 dmg item power spike. Jaksho compliments your build perfectly. U have the dmg now u dont get 1 shot, heal more, and synergizes with terminus . If u go terminus before jaksho u just are too squishy with this build and harder to stack up and are still less tanky after tanking anyways. Its better to go jaksho first
Highest Possible Ult Damage : r/KatarinaMains - Reddit
2022年9月26日 · Curious if anyone knows a mathematically correct kata build for the latter part of the season. I tried a lethal tempo alacrity with a regular nashors start but into a kraken guinsoos wits. Pure attack speed I got the ult scaling over 2300% which once we got baron and an elixir did a LOT of damage.