Inferior orbital fissure: Anatomy and stucture - Kenhub
Mar 13, 2024 · The inferior orbital fissure is a cleft that separates the lateral wall of the orbit from the floor of the orbit. The inferior orbital fissure runs in an anterolateral direction, from the posterior aspect of the maxilla to the anterior region of the zygomatic bone. It lies inferolateral to the optic canal and inferior to the superior orbital ...
Inferior orbital fissure | Radiology Reference Article - Radiopaedia.org
Nov 17, 2019 · The inferior orbital fissure (IOF) lies in the floor of the orbit inferior to the superior orbital fissure and it is bounded superiorly by the greater wing of sphenoid, inferiorly by maxilla and orbital process of palatine bone and laterally by the zygomatic bone. It opens into posterolateral aspect of orbital floor.
Inferior orbital fissure - Structure, Location and Function - Anatomy…
Jan 17, 2025 · The inferior orbital fissure is a narrow, slit-like opening that is located in the orbital bone (also known as the eye socket) of the skull. It is positioned between the maxillary bone and the sphenoid bone and is situated inferior (below) to the superior orbital fissure.
Inferior orbital fissure - Wikipedia
The inferior orbital fissure is a gap between the greater wing of sphenoid bone, and the maxilla. It connects the orbit (anteriorly) with the infratemporal fossa and pterygopalatine fossa (posteriorly).
Inferior orbital fissure - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The lateral wall and the floor of the orbit are separated posteriorly by the inferior orbital fissure which transmits the maxillary nerve and its zygomatic branch, and the ascending branches from the pterygopalatine ganglion. The infraorbital vessels are found in the inferior orbital fissure, and travel down the infraorbital groove into the ...
Anatomy, Head and Neck, Orbit Bones - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Jul 24, 2023 · Orbital Foramina, Fissures, and Ducts. Several openings in the bones of the orbit have anatomic and clinical applications. The optic nerve, the ophthalmic artery, and choroid plexus sympathetic fibers come from the middle cranial …
Anatomy of the Inferior Orbital Fissure: Implications for …
In this study, we describe the microanatomic and endoscopic detail of the IOF, utilizing a morphometric analysis of cadaveric dry skulls, endoscopic dissection of cadaveric specimens, and histological examination of the IOF and surrounding areas. Particular attention is focused on the IOF and its relationship to adjacent structures.
Microsurgical Anatomy of the Superior and Inferior Orbital Fissures
Sep 2, 2023 · The orbit is a natural bony cavity communicating with extracranial and intracranial spaces through three openings: the superior orbital fissure (SOF), which connects the orbit with the middle cranial fossa; the inferior orbital fissure (IOF), which connects the orbit with the pterygopalatine, infratemporal, and temporal fossae; and the optic ...
Orbital Fissures: Inferior Orbital Fissure | SpringerLink
Jul 11, 2021 · The inferior orbital fissure is an elongated opening between the orbital floor and lateral wall that projects and widens anterolaterally. Its borders are as follows: above, the orbital surface of the sphenoid bone, below, the maxilla (anteriorly) and the orbital...
Superior Orbital Fissure and Inferior Orbital Fissure
Sep 29, 2023 · The inferior orbital fissure (IOF) is a narrow cleft with long anterior and posterior borders and narrow medial and lateral ends. It is bounded posteriorly by the greater wing of the sphenoid, laterally by the zygomatic bone, medially by the sphenoid body, and anteriorly by the maxilla and a short segment formed by the palatine bone (Fig. 3.1a).