Sample X-radiography of cucumber seeds 3 weeks after …
Sample X-radiography of cucumber seeds 3 weeks after pollination with γ-irradiated pollen, showing the presence (arrows) of parthenogenic embryos (bar = 2 mm). Homozygous doubled haploid lines...
Structure and Histochemistry of the Micropylar and Chalazal …
2009年7月1日 · Seeds of cucumber and other species within the Cucurbitaceae have a semipermeable envelope surrounding the embryo. This study focused on the anatomy of the micropylar and chalazal regions of the envelope of cucumber seeds as a result of their differential permeability to a nonionic, systemic compound.
The process of embryo development in cucumber ovary culture.
Here, we systematically review the key factors influencing the regeneration and genetic transformation of cucumber plants, including the selection of genotype, source of explants and forms of...
In vitro rescue of cucumber parthenogenic embryos. Embryo …
Asymmetric parthenogenic embryos excised out of seeds (B and C; bar = 1 mm), cultured in vitro for 1 week (D; bar = 1 mm) or 3 weeks (E and F; bar = 5 mm). Homozygous doubled...
Somatic Embryogenesis in Cucumber ( Cucumis sativus L.)
Cucumbers grown in the field typically require pollination to set fruit, while those grown in greenhouses, particularly as practiced in The Netherlands and other European countries, reproduce parthenocarpically (de Rougemont 1989).
Visualizing embryogenesis in the seed - PMC
Top row: illustration of different stages of shoot apex development during embryo maturation of G. biloba based on 3D reconstruction images. Bottom row: a schematic diagram of the transverse section of the shoot apices at each stage showing the organization of the leaf primordia.
Visualizing embryogenesis in the seed - Oxford Academic
2024年5月22日 · Top row: illustration of different stages of shoot apex development during embryo maturation of G. biloba based on 3D reconstruction images. Bottom row: a schematic diagram of the transverse section of the shoot apices at each stage showing the organization of the leaf primordia.
14.1: Seed Morphology - Biology LibreTexts
Identify the parts of the embryo and the structures they become. List the types of nutrients that are stored in seeds. Describe the differences between the tissues that provide protection for the seed.
The Perisperm-endosperm Envelope in Cucumis - Oxford …
2005年7月25日 · In seeds of cucumber, muskmelon and several other members of the Cucurbitaceae the embryo is surrounded by a membranous envelope. Yim and Bradford (1998) showed that the envelope is composed entirely of a single layer of endosperm cells covered by a thin lipid-rich layer and a thick callose-containing layer and referred to it as the ...
Somatic Embryogenesis and Organogenesis in Cucumber
The embryogenic capacity of seven cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) cultivars was examined by tissue culture of cotyledon, young first-leaf, and internode explants, and 'Fushinarimidori' produced the highest number of embryos from either cotYledons or young first leaves.