Amateur Radio Products - Icom America
Also known as ham radio, Icom makes amateur radios for use in long-range (HF) and short-range (VHF, UHF) communications. Digital technology is transforming the market, and Icom helped pioneer the development of Digital Signal Processing (DSP) equipment.
IC- 7100 - Icom America
The IC-7100 fully covers the HF, 50, 144, 430/440 MHz amateur bands in multiple modes, providing 100W on HF/50MHz bands, 50W on 144MHz band and 35W on 430/440MHz band.
IC- 7300 - Icom America
The Innovative HF Transceiver New technology is changing the way receivers are being designed, and the IC-7300 is an industry first as an RF Direct Sampling System is being used in an entry-level HF radio.
IC- F8101 - Icom America
With the Icom F8101 HF mobile transceiver, over-the-horizon contacts are a whole lot easier! The F8101 is designed specifically for long-distance radio communications. It operates on HF frequencies from 500 kHz to 29.9999 MHz and transmits up to …
IC- 705 - Icom America
A new hybrid radio. Base station radio performance and functions packaged in a compact and lightweight, portable size. Whether you are taking your hobby to a SOTA, POTA, or some other "On the Air" location, the IC-705 will be your go-to rig!
IC- 718 - Icom America
The IC-718 is a compact rig with ample features for HF communications. The HF bands enable you to communicate across long distances, even reaching the other side of the Earth. With its wide dynamic range, high S/N ratio, and full duty operation, you will make contacts easily.
IC- 7760 - Icom America
While the previous model covered HF bands with a 9-separated BPF (Band Pass Filter), the IC-7760 uses an 11-separated BPF in HF bands. In addition, by employing sharp filters specialized for each amateur band, the BPF efficiently attenuates out-of-band interference signals in the RF stage, and prevents overflow at the A/D converter.
Amateur Radio | Personal Use - Icom America
Amateur radio is all about making connections – locally, globally, and even into space. From mountain tops to ham shacks across the globe, connect with other amateur enthusiasts and share in the enjoyment that keeps this incredible hobby going.
IC- 9700 - Icom America
The IC-9700 is an all mode Tri-band transceiver, covering 2 m, 70 cm, and 23 cm. In addition to the traditional SSB, AM, FM, CW, and RTTY modes, the transceiver also incorporates D-STAR (Digital Smart Technology for Amateur Radio) DV and DD modes. A …
IC-7760: New Innovative Shack-Style Control Head with RF Deck
Osaka, Japan (August 2024)—Icom Inc. proudly announces the release of the IC-7760, a 200W HF/50 MHz amateur transceiver. Initial deliveries are planned for around November 2024.