Hydrogeology, land-surface subsidence, and documentation of the Gulf …
In a generalized conceptual model of the Gulf Coast aquifer system, water enters the groundwater system in topographically high outcrops of the hydrogeologic units in the northwestern part of the aquifer system.
Gulf Coast aquifers represent some of the most prolific sources of fresh ground water in the United States (McGuinness, 1963). In the Greater Houston, Texas, area, more than 500 million gallons per day of ground water are produced from the fresh-water section of the Plio-Pleistocene, fluvial-deltaic sediments.
Withdrawal of groundwater since development of the aquifer system has resulted in potentiometric surface (hydraulic head, or head) declines in the Gulf Coast aquifer system and land-surface subsidence (primarily in the Houston area) from depressurization and compaction of clay layers interbedded in the aquifer sediments.
Assessing aquifer storage and recovery feasibility in the Gulf …
2017年12月1日 · Transmissivity, hydraulic gradient, well density, depth to aquifer, and depth to groundwater are used in a GIS-based index to determine feasibility of implementing an ASR system in the Gulf Coast and Carrizo-Wilcox aquifer systems.
Hydrogeology and simulation of ground-water flow and land …
2004年11月1日 · From land surface downward, the Chicot aquifer, the Evangeline aquifer, the Burkeville confining unit, the Jasper aquifer, and the Catahoula confining unit are the hydrogeologic units of the Gulf Coast aquifer system.
Occurrences of Gulf Coast-type geopressures are most frequently attributed to "disequilib- rium compaction" caused by slow rates of fluid escape from compacting sediments, "aquathermal press- uring" from thermal expansion of pore fluids, or the subsurface dehydration of smectite.
Hydrogeology, Land-Surface Subsidence, and Documentation of the Gulf ...
2023年1月13日 · In a generalized conceptual model of the Gulf Coast aquifer system, water enters the groundwater system in topographically high outcrops of the hydrogeologic units in the northwestern part of...
USGS Scientific Investigations Report 2004–5102
2016年12月1日 · Hydrogeology and Simulation of Ground-Water Flow and Land-Surface Subsidence in the Northern Part of the Gulf Coast Aquifer System, Texa
Hydrology of the Texas Gulf Coast aquifer systems
1991年1月1日 · The coastal lowlands aquifer system consists of five permeable zones and two confining units that range in age from Oligocene to Holocene. The hydrogeologic units of both systems are exposed in bands that parallel the coastline. The …
Gulf Coast Aquifer | Texas Water Development Board
2016年12月31日 · The Gulf Coast Aquifer is a major aquifer paralleling the Gulf of Mexico coastline from the Louisiana border to the border of Mexico. It consists of several aquifers, including the Jasper, Evangeline, and Chicot aquifers, which are composed of discontinuous sand, silt, clay, and gravel beds.