java - Running JAR file on Windows - Stack Overflow
Click Next. 3.In the Opens the Runnable JAR export wizard Runnable JAR File Specification page, select a 'Java Application' launch configuration to use to create a runnable JAR. 4.In the Export destination field, either type or click Browse to select a location for the JAR file. 5.Select an appropriate library handling strategy.
windows - How to make a Java program be opened by default …
2014年1月23日 · Thats not a problem of java, its a problem on your friends computer. Most likely WinRaR elected to set itself as the default program for jar files (a questionable choice), so its just a configuration issue. It can be easily fixed Explorer -> Right click on jar-file -> Open with -> Select javaw.exe (check "Always open with this program") –
How to open a .jar file by default on windows 10 64 bit
2019年8月28日 · In the Open With window, click the Browse button to open the File Explorer window. You need to find the Java executable file (java.exe file) on your computer hard drive. It is often located in the "Program Files\Java" or "Program Files (x86)\Java" folder, within a possible subfolder below the Java folder.
Java creating .jar file - Stack Overflow
then we run jar file by this command : java -jar anyname.jar. way 2 : Let we have one package named one and every class are inside it. then we create jar file by this command : jar cf anyname.jar one then we open manifest.txt inside directory META-INF in anyname.jar file and write . Main-Class: one.mainclassname
How to open/run .jar file (double-click not working)?
Create a shortcut for the .jar file that you want to open. Right click the shortcut icon and select properties -> Shortcut tab. Change the text in the target (for example "D:\Dev\JavaApp1.8.jar") To "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0\bin\javaw.exe" -jar "D:\Dev\JavaApp1.8.jar" Then click ok Double click the shortcut. It should now open the app.
How do I make a JAR from a .java file? - Stack Overflow
Double check that the appropriate java files are selected when exporting. You can always do this all very easily with the command line. Make sure that you are in the same directory as the files targeted before executing a command such as this: javac YourApp.java jar …
java - How to run a JAR file - Stack Overflow
2016年12月4日 · I created a JAR file like this: jar cf Predit.jar *.* I ran this JAR file by double clicking on it (it didn't work). So I ran it from the DOS prompt like this: java -jar Predit.jar It raised "F...
java - The simplest way to create a jar file? - Stack Overflow
2024年12月16日 · The basic format of the command for creating a JAR file is: jar cf jar-file input-file(s) The options and arguments used in this command are: The c option indicates that you want to create a JAR file. The f option indicates that you want the output to go to a file rather than to stdout. jar-file is the name that you want the resulting JAR file ...
java - Running a .jar file in a command prompt from double click ...
2015年4月13日 · Batch (or Bat) files are super easy to make. Just put the java -jar YourFile.jar into notepad (if you're on windows), save as Title.bat, and put into the same folder as your jar. presto! a program open-able by the general public.
java - How to make an executable JAR file? - Stack Overflow
2011年3月10日 · Creating a jar file with out any dependent jars will work as per the below steps. 1.Compile Test.Java file javac Test.java --- write your code here. 2.Create a manifest file test.mf Main-Class: Test. Create the executable Jar file jar -cvmf test.mf test.jar Test.class; 4.Run the Jar file java -jar test.jar