How to inject intramuscular? - Bluelight.org
2009年6月15日 · I soak this in alcohol for a few minutes to disinfect, take it out to dry, add whatever drug you want to use, add the proper amount of bacteriostatic water (usually around 1-3mls depending on solubility and amount), suck it up, run it through a micron filter, figure out where you plan on pinning, clean the injection site with alcohol, and ...
Guide: How to setup and inject Amphetamine safely. (Video/Text)
2007年4月10日 · this is a guide to show you how to setup and inject amphetamine paste/base (not meth) safely. please read this thread to find out about amphetamine. if this is your first time on injecting i highly recommend to find much infomation on it as possible, start by viewing this step by step injecting guide and searching bluelight on injecting.
Preparing DMT frebase for injection | Bluelight.org
2009年10月8日 · Never, ever, ever inject undissolved solids. This is why we filter using wheel filters and the like! As stated numerous times in this thread, freebase DMT (N,N-DMT) is not soluble in water so it will not dissolve in the water and you'll just have DMT crystals in water.
Misc - Injecting Bupropion (Wellbutrin) | Bluelight.org
2013年10月5日 · So i had this half an XL(150mg) and i had planed on saving it for the next day. \but just prior to being given the half pill i had gotten a bunch of serax 30mg from buddys mom..so at the time of injection of the bupropion i had ingested 210mg of oxazapam ontop of my 65mg daily dose of methadone, So i was already quite buzzed when i injected ...
Opioids How to inject OxyContin OP - bluelight.org
2012年1月2日 · Preparing OxyContin OP for injection is a HUGE hassle and these pills are dangerous to inject. The inactive ingredients in the pills to make them "tamper-proof" can put you in the hospital. Using a micron filter is absolutely necessary and still doesn't make it safe - only safer. If you absolutely "must" inject them and fully understand how ...
Harm Reduction - Injecting Lyrica | Bluelight.org
2012年1月13日 · Lyrica is actively taken up in the gut, and has a really high oral bioavailability, and yields no rush when IVd. It's pointless to inject it, it's a waste of drug and takes a totally unnecessary toll on your veins. Just eat it. There's accounts of people IVing it in the megathread, but they agree with what I've just told you.
Injecting in hands | Bluelight.org
2008年7月31日 · You can inject in the same vein several times if you want, but its probably not a good idea and will eventually lead to collapsed veins. A few times is probably ok, just make sure you sterilize the area with rubbing alcohol afterwards. If it begins to …
Stimulants - prepping adderall for injection | Bluelight.org
2009年12月10日 · Having seen Requiem a good number of times i am somewhat hesitant about shooting up although i have done it a few times. I am posting this to share my method which i think falls into the realm of harm reduction should a person choose to inject adderall.
Harm Reduction ⫸INJECTIONS: I.V. FAQs & Info MEGATHREAD⫷
2010年4月15日 · NOTE: To inject methylphenidate HCl, you need about 1 ml of bacteriostatic H2O per 10 mg, as a minimum due to (A) solubility in water is on the lower side; this has many implications in terms of syringe volumes used for injecting certain drugs (like Ritalin) and (B) it is a caustic salt for the veins and arteries meaning that the higher the ...
Injecting valium - Bluelight.org
2005年1月3日 · It may be possible to dissolve it in water of correct pH but if the required pH to dissolve it in water is too high or too low it may not be safe to inject. Check out the pka for diazepam. ALways use a micron filter and after filtering u can cook it to kill any residual bacteria without risking dissolving extra fillers as they would have ...