Hemorrhagic mass | HysterSisters
2024年3月29日 · Hemorrhagic mass Hysterectomy Options and Alternatives. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Learn about hysterectomy types and diagnosis.
Hemorrhagic Cysts | HysterSisters
2004年10月7日 · Hemorrhagic Cysts In Search of Info/Support for ..... Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Learn about hysterectomy types and diagnosis.
Possible Endometrioma or Hemorrhagic Cyst Question
2009年1月7日 · The radiologist who read that CT scan listed the cyst as a "mass." It concerned my gastro greatly (pretty much put her in a bit of a panic) and she sent me to my GYN ASAP. I had two ultrasounds, the final one done by the radiologist himself to be sure the mass had indeed been a hemorrhagic cyst that was (and did) resolve on its own.
Hemorrhagic Corpus Luteum? | HysterSisters
2005年10月18日 · Hemorrhagic Corpus Luteum? Separate Surgeries. Hysterectomy is the surgical removal of the uterus. Learn about hysterectomy types and diagnosis.
Mass (fibroid ) lit up on pet scan | HysterSisters
2015年7月11日 · » Hemorrhagic mass. 3 Replies, Last Reply 06-19-2005, Started By lynnae1220blue » Large Mass. 2 Replies ...
Is 6.4cm considered a big ovarian cyst? Update--also a neoplasmic …
2011年5月26日 · Last summer I had to have emergency surgery to have a hemorrhaging 6cm cyst removed (the pain was debilitating) and when I went for an ultra sound for the problems with my uterus now, they found I had a 22.5cm cyst (about the size of a softball) on the other ovary, which did dissolve/reabsorb on its own..go figure so it is not always the size of the cyst that …
Complex cyst question | HysterSisters
2005年9月14日 · Yes, a complex cyst can resolve on its own. I have had 2 complex cysts, both thought to be hemorrhagic. One burst before 2nd u/s- major ouch!- and the other at last u/s had gone from 6 cm to 2.5 cm on its own. According to my dr., a "bad" (malignant) cyst will never get smaller on its own, only get bigger or stay the same.
2nd opinion on 9.5 cm left ovarian mass | HysterSisters
2008年12月17日 · 2nd opinion on 9.5 cm left ovarian mass Kelly - this DOES sound like good news (mixed with some realistic opinions from a doc that you trust). And it also sounds like you're doing a great job getting mentally prepped, so I just wanted to offer my best wishes for a successful surgery and a quick recovery.
Diagnosis, & Trish's Pathology Dictionary | HysterSisters
2002年7月9日 · Hemorrhagic: Bleeding, full of blood. Hemorrhagic corpus luteal cyst: (see corpus luteum) A cyst that has hung around too long. If premenopausal, then it's most likely benign but dangerous because it can get infected and turn into peritonitis if it bursts.
Uterine Fibroid (Leiomyoma) vs. Uterine Leiomyosarcoma
Invasive, necrotic, and hemorrhagic. May cause non-menstrual vaginal bleeding. Usually diagnosed at age 50 and older. Cancerous. Because a leiomyosarcoma can closely resemble a fibroid, a correct diagnosis can be critical to receiving the best care and treatment.