Glochidium - Wikipedia
The glochidium (plural glochidia) is a microscopic larval stage of some freshwater mussels, aquatic bivalve mollusks in the families Unionidae and Margaritiferidae, the river mussels and European freshwater pearl mussels.
钩介幼虫 - 百度百科
钩介幼虫是真瓣鳃目珠蚌科无齿蚌属软体动物河蚌的幼体。 虫体略呈杏仁形;有2片几丁质壳,每瓣壳片的腹缘中央有个鸟喙状的钩,钩上排列着许多小齿,背缘有韧带相连;有4对刚毛;在闭壳肌中间有1根细长的足丝。 钩介幼虫分布于亚洲、欧洲、北美洲及非洲北部等地。 在中国主要分布于长江中下游的湖泊、河流及池塘等淡水水域中。 寄生在鱼的鳃或者鳍上,逐渐发育成幼蚌后脱落鱼体,沉入水底营底栖生活。 在鱼体上寄生时间的长短和水温高低有关,从6天到80天不等。 …
瓣钩幼虫 - 百度百科
瓣钩幼虫(glochidium),亦称瓣介幼虫、河蚌幼虫,是淡水产 瓣鳃类 的单齿蚌(Cristaria)的幼虫。 瓣钩幼虫在左右两瓣贝壳的末端(壳底部)具数个大小钩,藉此钩住淡水鱼的皮肤、鳍 …
Glochidium - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
The parasitic larval stage known as a glochidium, the morphology of which was discussed earlier. Glochidia are released from the female via the excurrent aperature into the water column, where they attach to a host, typically a fish, undergo metamorphosis, and complete their development to juveniles (Figure 19.32).
Glochidium | mollusk larva | Britannica
… the released larva, called a glochidium, often has sharp spines projecting inward from each valve. The larva attaches to either the gills or fins of passing fish and becomes a temporary parasite.
Glochidium - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
Unlike ocean clams and mussels which have planktonic larvae that swim in open water, freshwater species either brood their young (clams) or have larvae called glochidia (mussels), which temporarily parasitize fish and at least one amphibian species. Pearly mussels have a long-term relationship with humans.
Morphological description of the glochidia of Buldowskia ... - Nature
2023年11月13日 · Freshwater mussels of the genus Buldowskia (Bivalvia, Unionidae) are distributed from the Amur River basin in Russia and China southward to the Korean Peninsula and some Japanese islands. This work...
Fish hosts, glochidia features and life cycle of the endemic …
2019年6月5日 · Here we present the discovery of host fishes for Margaritifera dahurica, i.e. Lower Amur grayling, sharp-snouted lenok, and blunt-snouted lenok. The host fishes were studied in rivers of the Ussuri...
Glochid - Wikipedia
Glochids or glochidia (sg.: "glochidium") are hair-like spines or short prickles, generally barbed, found on the areoles of cacti in the sub-family Opuntioideae. Cactus glochids easily detach from the plant and lodge in the skin, causing irritation upon contact.
Development and morphology of the glochidium larva of Anodonta cygnea ...
The glochidium of Anodonta cygnea is anatomically and morphologically specialized in connection with its parasitic existence. The specialized structures are described, and their significance discussed.