Ficus septica - Wikipedia
Ficus septica, also known as the Hauili fig tree, is a species of shrub or tree in the family Moraceae found at low altitudes from north-eastern India to northern Australia (Queensland), and throughout Malesia. [2]
稜果榕 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
稜果榕 (學名: Ficus septica),又名 豬母乳 、 常綠榕 、 大冇榕,是常綠性 喬木,葉互生,葉有柄和扥葉。 長橢圓形,寬卵形或倒卵形,卵狀披針形或線形,稜果榕原產於 澳大利亚 、 台灣 、 香港 、 巴布亚新几内亚 、 印度尼西亚 、 菲律宾 、 所罗门群岛 ...
Ficus septica: Introduction - THE FIGS OF BORNEO
2017年3月11日 · The most common fig on the coral atol of Pulau Maratua, E. Kalimantan where it is dispersed by Island Flying Fox and Cynopterus Fruit Bats. Range: N. India east to Taiwan, south to Queensland, Australia, and east to the Solomon Islands. Absent from Singapore. Ficus septica often grows in vacant building plots in the centre of Kota Kinabalu.
Ficus septica Burm.f. - Plants of the World Online
First published in Fl. Indica: 226 (1768) The native range of this species is Nansei-shoto to Malesia and Vanuatu. It is a tree and grows primarily in the wet tropical biome. Covellia …
棱果榕 - 百度百科
棱果榕(学名:Ficus septica Burm. f.)是桑科榕属植物。
Ficus septica - Socfindo Conservation
They are applied to cure colds, coughs, fever and fungal and bacterial diseases. The roots are antiasthmatic, antidote, antiemetic and diuretic. The crushed root, mixed with coconut water, is drunk daily to treat urinary tract infections. The roots are used as a poultice on boils.
Ficus septica Burm. f. - iPlant 植物智
Ficus septica Burm.f. - 臺灣生命大百科
植栽說明及建議:最小種植間距3公尺。 特點為具大型葉,樹冠開展,遮蔭性佳。 泛全島分布,環境適性強。 但果實較大型且結實量大,群集種植雖然具有動物生態功能,但所附帶的腐臭味可能會引發民眾反感。 王志強、呂碧鳳、邱清安、張坤成、陳子英、曾彥學、簡瑞儀、蘇夢淮。 2022。 原景綠境:臺灣原生樹種景觀應用手冊。 行政院農業委員會林務局。 樹形:傘形。 <br>枝幹:黃褐色。 <br>根系:中根。 <br>葉序:互生。 <br>葉形:闊卵。
Ficus septica - Useful Tropical Plants - The Ferns
Ficus septica is a shrub or atree, often with pendulous branches; it can grow from 3 - 25 metres tall. The bole can be up to 30cm in diameter [ Traditional medicinal uses of 126 species from Papua New Guinea, including information on modern research into the plants.
Ficus septica aka Septic Fig - plant care guide & info
Ficus septica (called Hauili in the Philippines, 稜果榕 in Taiwan) is a shrub or tree of the family Moraceae living at low altitudes from northeast India to north Australia (Queensland), and throughout Malesia.