  1. Not everyone lives to tell about an encounter with a bull

    • Bulls, which account for only 2% of cattle, were responsible for 48% of the deaths from cattle, according to the U.S. Department of Labor Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries and the Surveillance of Occupati… 展开

    Ai vs. Natural Service

    A study done in 2014 by the National Animal Health Monitoring System reviewed data from 17 states including Wisconsin on basic animal health and management practices. Accor… 展开

    Wisconsin Farmer
    Tragedy Waiting to Happen

    While bulls may appear to be a foolproof alternative to a producer's reproductive worries, they may be a tragedy waiting to happen – especially with dairy bulls that have a reputatio… 展开

    Wisconsin Farmer
    Not Worth The Risk

    Bulls of breeding age are considered dangerous and those who own them should use special facilities for them and practice extreme caution when handling them. Those working o… 展开

    Wisconsin Farmer
    If You Still Choose to Use A Bull

    Bulls are dangerous and unpredictable and can seriously injure or kill their handlers or bystanders. The following safety measures and practices are recommended for those using a natural s… 展开

    Wisconsin Farmer