  1. Copilot 答案

    The 10 Most Popular Types of Musical Instruments

    • The guitar is one of the most played instruments in the world, thanks to its versatility, flexibility, and portability. Moreover, the fact that it can be performed as a solo instrument is both rewarding and fascinating… 展开


    Pianosare one of the most widespread instruments around the world. They are often regarded as the mother of all musical instruments because they offer an exceptional rang… 展开

    Musician Wave

    Although they might seem a bit old school in our digital world, violins are still incredibly popular instruments. I also wouldn’t mind saying that because of their ability to produce melodio… 展开

    Musician Wave
    Drum Kit

    The drums are still incredibly popular. The rise of the drum machine and drum programming are still not making them dwindle in popularity! An acoustic drum set for live performa… 展开

    Musician Wave