Potential "Canon" team for Gold/Ethan : r/pokemon - Reddit
Jan 2, 2021 · There are several Pokemon who would fit being on Gold/Ethan's team. Here's my list: 1.Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion. This one is pretty straightforward. This line fits Ethan's looks very well. Also, Totodile/Croconaw/Feraligatr fits your rival Silver perfectly.
What are the canon teams for all main protagonists?
Feb 6, 2021 · There is only one Cannon Team for a Protagonist, and that is Red. However, if you want there teams of their Champion/Last battle, then maybe we can get somewhere.
What is Gold/Ethan’s “canon” team? : r/pokemon - Reddit
Michael from MandJTV made a video discussing what he thought every protagonist's canon team was. I'll give you the highlights of his suggestions for the Ethan team: Typhlosion. In artwork advertising the game, Ethan is seen with Cyndaquil, Kris is seen with Totodile and Lyra is seen with Chikorita, most often.
What do we know about Gold(Ethan)'s canon team? : r/pokemon - Reddit
Mar 7, 2021 · He doesn't have 'canon' team, but if I had to make one that makes sense, I would go: Typhlosion (Starter most associated with him) Togekiss (Togepi egg) Gyrados (The red one at the Lake of Rage) Dragonite (Evolved from the dratini given at the Dragon's den) Umbreon (Evolved from the eevee from Bill I believe?
What is the canon teams of protagonists of every generation
Ethan (or Gold) is my canon protagonist in this Gen since Kris or Lyra didnt exist in the original. Gen III - My main basis will be Emerald since it is the upgraded version of the vanilla and...
Canon Teams for (Almost) Every Player Character - Bulbagarden
Mar 14, 2011 · We have Ethan in GSC and HGSS, Kris in Crystal, and Lyra in HGSS.
Ethan's Canon Pokemon Team - YouTube
Jan 20, 2024 · ️Ethan's canon pokemon team is based off of mainly the pokemon he's seen with in the Gotcha video, and a special pokemon show he was in, there is also some ...
Canon Teams of the Main Protagonists | Pokémon Amino
Nov 10, 2017 · I’m not sure with May/Brendan, Lucas/Dawn, Hilbert/Hilda, and Nate/Rosa so you can tell me what you think they’re canon teams are. Red-This is an easy one since we battle him in the games: 1. Pikachu. 2. Charizard. 3. Venusaur. 4. Blastoise. 5. Espeon/Lapras. 6. Snorlax. Gold/Ethan: 1. Typhlosion-Matches his outfit’s color scheme and they ...
Ethan's Team | Pokémon Amino - Amino Apps
Apr 9, 2017 · In Ethan's only canon anime appearance, he used a Donphan. That's all I got. Moves: Earthquake. Giga Impact. Rock Slide. Sandstorm. Ability: Sturdy. In Pokémon GSC, after you talk to Bill in Ecruteak City, you can return to Goldenrod City where Bill will give you in Eevee.
Canon Team? - Pokemon Gold Version - GameFAQs
I am playing through Pokemon Gold with the following:-Cyndaquil/Quilava/Typhlosion (Jimmy picks it as his Starter in the anime and Gold does the same in the manga; I figure this makes it …