Vgt turbo vs fixed turbo | Cummins Diesel Forum
2024年7月29日 · As for a VGT turbo on your 5.9L, the kits are pricey and complicated. ... 2004.5 Dodge SB QC 2500 2wd ...
non VGT turbo swap Recommendations | Cummins Diesel Forum
2024年12月2日 · Have a 14 6.7 2500 that Im finally planning on getting rid of the VGT turbo. (turbo 1 went out at 183k, Turbo 2 lasted 7k miles and threw codes, had it warrantied and now Turbo 3 has just thrown P003A and P006F at 198k and is now outside the warranty period). Truck has weight reduction mod, Anarchy tuned (RIP) and MM3 tuner.
HELP! VGT Stuck? Turbo? | Cummins Diesel Forum
2018年12月10日 · Same thing happened to my truck I ordered a new turbo from diesel power products, it was a reman, and after sending in the core and all it was roughly 1600 from what I remember. My truck is also a 2012 ram it had about 84k when my turbo crapped out. It was cause by spot build up on the VGT. Sorry bud your gonna need a new turbo.
Vgt turbo recommendations | Cummins Diesel Forum
2020年8月3日 · Looking at replacing the stock vgt turbo on my 2010 Cummins for a drop in replacement. the truck is just tuned and deleted,and has a intake and exhaust Eventually will put arp studs and a set of 50 or 90hp injectors in fleece vgt 63 turbo bd screamer 64.5 Vgt turbo Tater built 63.5/68 vgt turbo
Best Aftermarket VGT Turbo | Cummins Diesel Forum
2013年10月12日 · ATS Aurora 7500+(over stock VGT), SteedSpeed VGT manifold, ATS Dual Fuelers (stock pumps), Fuelab Velocity 200, ARP 2000 Head Studs, Valair Street Triple, MCC by Anarchy, JGS 50mm wastegate, 4" ATS down pipe to 5" Flo-Pro straight pipe exhaust, GDP Grid heater delete, BD-Power Intake.
VGT Turbo Controller | Cummins Diesel Forum
2012年9月22日 · Unbolt the holset controller from the top of the gear box (a few torx bolts) and bolt this one on. The reason is that this will make a VGT work on any vehicle, with any ECU without requiring CAN communications. It is a stand-alone VGT ecu with sensor inputs and a position controlled motor. It makes the VGT turbo more flexible.
VGT Turbo Questions | Cummins Diesel Forum
2019年12月9日 · VGT position is 82%(94% with the exhaust brake on) This matches my "desired" VGT position At 3000 rpm - Boost is 31 psi, charge pressure is 63 psi, and VGT position is 50%. Desired and actual VGT positions matched, throughout rpm/load range. …
6.7 VGT turbo upgrade | Cummins Diesel Forum
2011年9月13日 · Diesel Power Products Spectre VGT Turbos 2007.5-11 Dodge Ram 6.7L Cummins Heres another option from Diesel Power Products, I dont know anything about them though. '97 RCLB 12v NV4500
VGT turbo swap using Standalone Controller | Cummins Diesel …
2014年2月24日 · 6.7 Turbo Drain Pipe 6.7 Intercooler Coupling - Attach directly to VE 6.7 Exhaust Back Pressure Tube - Using exhaust pressure sensor for my controller 6.7 Cast Turbo Elbow & Clamp 3rd Gen Downpipe For the electronic side, I'm using the Banshee VGT Controller as an interface to the turbo.
upgraded VGT turbo? | Cummins Diesel Forum
2014年10月11日 · I have a 64mm Spectre Hybrid VGT which is similar to the Fleece Cheetah, it does make more power but if I had to do all over again I would have done an ATS add a turbo kit and will still go that route in the future being I do want to keep my exhaust brake and want more power. I have about 40k on the turbo, works good and spools good.