identification - Do I have a Crepe Myrtle Bush or Tree? - Gardening ...
You get to decide how to train or allow these plants to either become a small patio tree, an under story tree or if you want a bush. Thin only for a tree. Head for a bush. For a tree make sure you never cut the tips of the branches off. If you want a bush, you use hedging shears and cut off all the tips, the apical, terminal buds keeping your ...
What is the difference between a crape myrtle bush and a crape …
2024年6月13日 · A crape myrtle bush typically refers to a shrub-like, multi-stemmed plant that is smaller in size and often used for landscaping and hedges. A crape myrtle tree usually refers to a single trunk ...
Crepe Myrtle and Pink Magnolia Trunk Question
2015年4月17日 · Many magnolia species and crepe myrtles naturally branch from ground level, growing as large shrubs/small trees.
Shrubs leaves are yellow/brown - Butterfly bush, crape myrtle
2021年5月26日 · This is a butterfly bush or Buddleia. And it is not sick, but also not doing particularly well since it has so few flowers. The yellow leaves are just normal dying off of leaves that have done their job and will go to compost at the base of the bush. It probably just needs a good pruning to restore flowering, it is a very forgiving genus.
trees - How to grow Crepe Myrtle to look like umbrella?
2016年8月5日 · Breath taking little tree. I've used this in atriums over here zone 5 and there are a few others trees even more hardy that have the same 4 season beauty with which to make incredible outdoor rooms, informal patios...plant a grove of 3 or 5 or more, lay a bit of gravel for the floor and add a couple of comfy chairs, ice tea...so much for so little effort.
How much does a crape myrtle tree cost? - Answers
2024年6月12日 · A crape myrtle tree usually refers to a single trunk specimen that is larger and can grow taller than a bush. Both bush and tree forms produce the characteristic crape myrtle flowers in a variety ...
My tree is a wasp magnet, what can I do to get rid of them?
There is a small tree (about 2 meters tall, maybe a bit more) at the front of my house that has become a wasp magnet in the last few weeks. I have seen at least 2 kinds of wasps hanging in there, and there must be around 100 of them. Is there a way to prevent this tree from attracting them without cutting it down?
Is a Crape Myrtle A Gymnosperm? - Answers
2024年6月16日 · A crape myrtle tree usually refers to a single trunk specimen that is larger and can grow taller than a bush. Both bush and tree forms produce the characteristic crape myrtle flowers in a variety ...
Where is the largest crape myrtle tree? - Answers
2023年10月9日 · Where is the largest crape myrtle tree? Updated: 10/9/2023. Wiki User. ∙ 12y ago. Study now. See answer (1) Best Answer. Copy. McKinney TX USA. Wiki User. ∙ 11y ago. This answer is:
What is the best food for the crape myrtle tree? - Answers
Fertilizers such as the conventional 5-10-5 or fish meal, which emphasize phosphorus [P] over nitrogen [N] and potassium [K], are what's needed when a crape myrtle [Lagerstroemia spp] grows in ...