约 408,000 个结果
  1. Compass rose - Wikipedia

    A compass rose or compass star, sometimes called a wind rose or rose of the winds, is a polar diagram displaying the orientation of the cardinal directions (north, east, south, and west) and …

  2. Rhumbline network - Wikipedia

    The circle is divided into sixteen equal parts defining a hexadecagon, then the network of sailing directions is drawn "for a set of 16 wind roses", placed in the 16 vertex of an hexadecagon, in …

  3. 羅盤玫瑰 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书

    羅盤玫瑰(英語: Compass rose ),又譯羅針圖、羅盤方位圖,又稱玫瑰風圖( Windrose ,或 Rose of the Winds )、風圖,是一種常出現於羅盤、地圖、海圖、氣象圖之上的圖案,用於指 …

  4. 罗盘玫瑰 - 百度百科

    罗盘玫瑰(英语:Compass rose),又译罗针图、罗盘方位图,又称玫瑰风图(Windrose,或 Rose of the Winds)、风图,是一种常出现于罗盘、地图、海图、气象图之上的图案,用于指 …

  5. Octagram - Wikipedia

    An 8-point compass rose can be seen as an octagonal star, with 4 primary points, and 4 secondary points. The symbol Rub el Hizb is a Unicode glyph ۞ at U+06DE. Deeper …

  6. Exploring the Compass Rose - ggsailing.com

    2024年9月2日 · The compass rose stands as a symbol of navigation and a timeless tool used by mariners to navigate the seas. Through its cardinal and intermediate directions, it provides a …

  7. Compass Rose - The Unique Maps Co.

    The compass rose is a figure on maps or nautical charts used to display the orientation of the cardinal directions—north, south, east, and west—and their intermediate points. The term …

  8. Compass rose - Wikimedia Commons

    2023年6月27日 · compass rose figure on a compass, map, nautical chart, or monument used to display the orientation of the cardinal directions ...

  9. Definition: Compass Rose Vs. Degrees - ambient weather

    Weather Stations use a 16-point compass rose. 16-point compass roses are constructed by bisecting the angles of the principal winds to come up with intermediate compass points, …

  10. The Compass Rose: What Is It? | Neptuno Maritime Training

    2017年12月28日 · The Compass Rose is more than a decorative symbol; it's a fundamental tool in maritime and land navigation. This circular symbol, divided into 32 points, marks the …