Boswellia sacra - Wikipedia
Boswellia sacra, also known as Boswellia carteri and others, and commonly called the frankincense tree or the olibanum tree, is a tree in the genus Boswellia, in the Burseraceae family, from which frankincense, a resinous dried sap, is harvested. [5]
Boswellia sacra - LLIFLE
Boswellia sacraSN|12199]]SN|12199]] is the primary tree in the genus Boswellia from which frankincense, a resinous dried sap, is harvested. All parts of the tree are highly resinous. Stem: Treelike with a well developed trunk, often somewhat swollen (pachycal) at base, or branched almost from ground level. Individual trees growing on steep ...
胶香树 - 百度百科
橄榄科 乳香树属植物乳香树Boswellia carterii Birdw. [B. sacra Fluek.]、药胶香树B. bhawdajiana Birdw.及野乳香树B. neglecta M. Moore等,以其树干皮部伤口渗出的油胶树脂入药。 春夏均可采. 乳香. 熏陆香. 矮小灌木,高4~5米,罕达6米。 树干粗壮,树皮光滑,淡棕黄色,纸状,粗枝的树皮鳞片状,逐渐剥落。 叶互生,密集或于上部疏生,单数羽状复叶,长15~25厘米,叶柄被白毛;小叶7~10对,对生,无柄,基部者最小,向上渐大,小叶片长卵形,长达3.5厘米,顶端者 …
乳香樹 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
Boswellia bhaw-dajiana Birdw. B. carteri Birdw. 乳香树[4] (學名: Boswellia sacra,学名的意思是 神圣乳香)為 乳香屬 下的一種植物,其 樹脂 凝固後便成 乳香。 一些学者认为 Boswellia sacra 只代表 阿拉伯乳香树,而 索马里 的种群属于 索马里乳香树 (學名: Boswellia carteri),但这种区分缺少植物学依据。 [5] ^ Assessor: Thulin, M. Boswellia sacra in IUCN 2012. IUCN Red List of Threatened Species. Version 2012.2.
乳香屬 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
乳香屬[3][4] (學名: Boswellia)是 橄欖科 的一个属,其下物种主要分布于 非洲 和 亚洲 的热带地区,会分泌有药用价值的芳香树脂,即 乳香。 乳香主要由 乳香树 (Boswellia sacra)、 波叶乳香树 (B. frereana)、 齿叶乳香树 (B. serrata)和 纸皮乳香树 (B. papyrifera)所生产。 [5] 齿叶乳香树(B. serrata)为本属 模式种。 乳香树属有以下物种: [6] 美丽乳香树 Boswellia ameero Balf.f.:原产 索科特拉岛。 铁角蕨叶乳香树 Boswellia aspleniifolia (Balf.f.) Thulin:原产索科 …
BOSWELLIA SERRATA - History, Uses and Health Benefits - Ecosh
In Somalia and Somaliland, the Boswellia carterii trees form the largest Boswellia “forest” globally. Frankincense carterii, the most widespread species of Boswellia resin, is predominantly sourced from this region and is the main source of income for many Somali families and communities.
乳香分类 - 豆瓣
Jul 23, 2016 · 市场上最常见的乳香精油品种是产自索马里的Boswellia carteri 这个品种。 令人比较费解的是,很大乳香精油标明的产地是埃塞尔比亚,品种是Boswellia carteri。
Tree Biology - Save Frankincense
Two of the best quality species, Boswellia carterii and Boswellia frereana, grow in the Cal Madow and its surrounding ecosystems. Both Boswellia carterii and Boswellia frereana are members of the Burseraceae family, also known as the Incense Tree family, so-called for the aromatic resins these species produce.
Boswellia sacra - Frankincense tree - 5 seeds - Onszaden
The fragrant resin is produced in the bark of this tree against wounds and can be harvested for use as incense. However, this beautiful tree is threatened in its existence due to among others the rapid advance of agricultural areas, forest fires and logging.
Boswellia carteri - Dayaxa Frankincense
The trees have compound, imparipinnate leaves and white, five-petaled flowers that grow in dense bunches. The fruits are hard, not fleshy, and the seeds are wind-dispersed. The trees can grow from sea level up to about 1400m in elevation, and prefer areas where they can get access to frequent mists.