Bayajidda - Wikipedia
Bayajidda (Hausa: Bàyā̀jiddà) was, according to the legends surrounding most West African states before the 19th century, the founder of the Hausa states. [1] Most accounts say that Bayajidda came from Baghdad.
Bayajidda : The Hausa Founder - Mythlok
Bayajidda, the legendary ancestor of the Hausa people, transcends mere myth. His courage and resourcefulness, exemplified by slaying the Daura serpent, solidify him as a foundational figure. His journey and leadership qualities further solidify his role as a state founder.
The Story of Bayajidda, The Man Who Created The Hausa States …
2024年1月24日 · Legend has it that during Queen Zidam’s conquest of Baghdad, Bayajidda, accompanied by forty servants, fled Iraq. His journey led him to Nigeria through Lake Chad, entering near the town of Ngala and eventually reaching Gazargamu, which is modern-day Borno state. Occupation:
The Story of Bayajidda, the Founder of Hausa States
2023年6月28日 · Bayajidda is a legendary figure in the history of Hausa people, who are one of the largest ethnic groups in West Africa. According to the legend, Bayajidda was a prince from Baghdad who traveled across Africa and settled in Daura, a town in present-day northern Nigeria.
The Bayajidda legend is probably the most important single source for Hausa history. It deals with the founding of Daura, traditionally the oldest city of Hausaland, and by extension also with the establishment of other Hausa states by foreign immigrants. As such it is of great significance for
The Legend of Bayajidda: A Seminal Tale of the Hausa
The legend of Bayajidda, also known as Abuyazid, meaning "the father of Yazid," is one of the most enigmatic tales in West African history. Bayajidda’s journey from Baghdad, Iraq, to northern Nigeria is filled with intrigue, adventure, and acts of heroism that …
Bayajida: The legend of Hausa land – DW – 01/26/2018 - dw.com
2018年1月26日 · Historians doubt that Bayajida existed, but the legend of Bayajida remains powerful. It refers to him as the man whose lineage founded the Hausa nation. The legend is re-enacted...
Hausa City States (ca. 1000-1815) - Blackpast
2009年8月24日 · According to the myth, the city states began when Bayajidda, the prince of Baghdad, arrived in Daura (the oldest of the Hausa city states) and married the queen of the town. Their seven sons founded the other states of Katsina, Zazzau, Gobir, Kano
The Story of Bayajidda’s Loves
2023年11月14日 · Some people believe Abu Yazid or Bayajidda, as he is commonly known (which means “he didn't understand the language before”), arrived from Baghdad, a runaway prince fleeing court intrigue.
paper examines the various ways in which the Bayajidda legend is memorialized. In its current manifestations, the legend can be seen as an important agency for the remembrance of the past in the context of rapid socio-historical cha.