How Did Apostle John Die? - Bible Study
Easton's Bible Dictionary writes that John "retired" to Ephesus after writing Revelation. The aged apostle, according to Easton's, outlived just about all his friends and his many acquaintances made over the years. God turned John's exile on an island into something incredibly good. These visions became the basis for the Book of Revelation.
Who Were the Disciples of John the Baptist? - Bible Study
John the Baptist had an effective and popular ministry which drew the attention not only of the average person but also of Priests, Pharisees, Sadducees, Herod Antipas (Roman ruler of Galilee and Perea) and others (John 1:19, 24; Matthew 3:7, Mark 6:16 - 19, etc.). He …
New Testament Graves Map - Bible Study
John (the Apostle) A widely held tradition states the Apostle John spent his last days in Ephesus after being freed from the island of Patmos. When he died, he was the last living original apostle and may have been the only one of Jesus' original disciples to perish through natural causes. His grave is a well-known destination in Ephesus.
Jesus' Family Tree - Bible Study
Only some information could be found about two of the physical brothers of Jesus, James and Jude. The Bible's New Testament mentions four men named James. The first James in Scripture is the son of Zebedee and Salome (cf. Matthew 27:56 with Mark 15:40) who is the Apostle John's older brother (making him Jesus' cousin).
Flow of New Testament History Map - Bible Study
The Apostle John, in 95 - 96 A.D., sees and records divine visions given to him while he is on the island of Patmos. John is banished to the island, under Roman Emperor Domitian, "because of the Word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ" (Revelation 1:9, HBFV). John will write the last New Testament book, Revelation, while on Patmos.
Revelation's Seven Churches Map - Bible Study
Ephesus, where John had lived, is the closest of the seven churches to the island of Patmos. Roman Emperor Domitian, who had begun Rome' second official persecution of Christians in 81 A.D., initiated his banishment. The apostle wrote Revelation around 95 A.D.
Who Were Jesus' First Disciples? - Bible Study
The apostle John records who were the first five people called to follow Jesus. John and Andrew were the initial two people called to be disciples by Christ (John 1:35 - 39). Then came Peter (also called Simon or Simon Peter, verses 40 - 42), followed by Philip (verses 43 to 44) and then Nathanael (Bartholomew - verse 45).
Ephesus and the Apostle Paul - Bible Study
Although the apostle John spent a great deal of time in the city, it as Paul who begun the first Christian church within it. The Apostle Paul, after staying in Corinth for a year and a half, travels to Ephesus in the spring of 52 A.D.
Life of Apostle Peter Timeline - Bible Study
Then came the day of the unleaveneds in which it was obligatory to kill the Passover lambs. And He (Jesus) sent Peter and John, saying, "Go and prepare the Passover for us that we may eat." (Luke 22:7 - 8). This ends the first of three timelines covering the Apostle Peter's life and ministry. Next Timeline Peter's Life from Last Passover to ...
The Jerusalem Conference - Bible Study
The Consensus Decision. Therefore, my judgment (the Apostle James) is that we do not trouble those of the Gentiles who have turned to God; But that we write to them to abstain from pollutions of idols, and from sexual immorality, and from what has been strangled and from blood (Acts 15:19 - 20, see also verses 28 - 29).