Cyrene (mythology) - Wikipedia
In North Africa, Apollo founded the city Cyrene in the region of Cyrenaica, both named after his lover. She had two sons by Apollo: Aristaeus, the god of beekeeping, and Idmon, the Argonaut …
Cyrene in Greek Mythology - Greek Legends and Myths
Cyrene was one of the most beautiful figures in Greek mythology, so beautiful indeed that Apollo would take Cyrene as his lover. Cyrene is normally said to have been a mortal princess, …
Cyrene - Greek Mythology
Apollo and Cyrene had two sons together; Aristaeus, the inventor of beekeeping, and Idmon, a seer who took part in the Argonautic Expedition. See Also: Peneus, Apollo. Who was Cyrene? …
CYRENE (Kyrene) - Thessalian Princess of Greek Mythology
KYRENE (Cyrene) was a Thessalian princess, the daughter of King Hypseus of the Lapiths. She was a famed huntress who guarded her father's herds on Mount Pelion, slaying wild beasts …
Cyrene | Aegean, Oracle & Nymph | Britannica - Encyclopedia Britannica
Cyrene, in Greek mythology, a nymph, daughter of Hypseus (king of the Lapiths) and Chlidanope (a Naiad). One day Cyrene wrestled a lion that had attacked her father’s flocks. Apollo, who …
Apollo of Cyrene - Wikipedia
The Apollo of Cyrene is a large Roman statue of Apollo found at the ancient city of Cyrene, Libya. It was unearthed at the site along with a great number of other ancient sculptures and …
Sanctuary of Apollo, Cyrene - The University of Warwick
The Sanctuary of Apollo at Cyrene was located in the North West of the city. This location was where, according to myth, Apollo slept with the nymph Cyrene whom he named the city after. …
Cyrene - Greek Mythology Link
Apollo found Cyrene wrestling alone with a lion and carried her off to that part of Libya where in later times he founded a city and named it, after her, Cyrene. The extraordinarily beautiful …
Cyrene - Classical Mythology
Cyrene, daughter of Hypseus, was a famed huntress and revered companion of Artemis. Known for her strength and beauty, she caught Apollo's eye while wrestling a lion. Transported to …
Cyrene - Riordan Wiki
Cyrene was a Naiad, a legendary warrior, and the former lover of two gods: Apollo and Ares. Cyrene was born in Thessaly, the northern part of Greece, to Hypseus, the King of the Lapiths, …