Frost killed leaves and flowers on my Angel Trumpet, help
2012年2月6日 · On my angel trumpet the frost killed the leaves and flowers they are falling off should I cut the big stalk to the ground and mulch good? and can I use the stalk to make more cuttings to plant or is it useless? thank you in advance. Moderator's note: added a more descriptive title to topic
Do I cut back Angel Trumpet for winter or leave it alone?
2012年2月6日 · They are closely related and both have the common name of Angel's Trumpets. Brugmansia has fruit with no spines, whereas Datura fruits do have spines. toni , Sep 23, 2013
Wilting Angel Trumpet - GardenStew
2009年2月24日 · I have a pink Angel Trumpet that came up from last years root. It was so pretty and big, now it has two limbs that just wilted so I cut off the limbs. What is causing this problem?Iamb afraid it will move thru the rest of the plant.I can't find anything on wilting angel trumpets.I need your help.Thank you.
Cross Pollination or Contamination: Angel Trumpet
2009年5月5日 · Ballerina Angel Trumpet ( photo / image / picture from cherylad's Garden) Last year, a co-worker gave me a Moonflower. (Some you may remember my post about having troubles with the flowers.) Even though the flowers were gorgeous, I just wasn't too thrilled about having a flower I had to go outside with a flashlight to look at.
angel trumpet - yellow leaves problem - GardenStew
2005年5月10日 · thanks for getting back. we bought the plant from a little old chinese lady at a farmer's market. she had a picture of her ginormous bush/tree trumpet plant. she told us to plant it in a low spot in the yard, with some manure around the roots and to water it a lot. so that's what we've done so far.
New Roots on Angel Trumpet cuttings - gardenstew.com
2008年8月13日 · I have angel trumpets and hibiscus stems rooting in water, the angel trumpets are putting on leaves and have a lot of roots.
prickly fruit, with angel trumpet white flowers - gardenstew.com
2008年11月27日 · Our geese, poultry and pigs will not touch them. white trumpet flowers on okra shaped recepticles, leaves similar to courgette, fruits grow seperate to flowers and are size of kiwi fruits but waxy green covered with sharp spikes.plant is 3-4 feet high.
angel trumpet - gardenstew.com
2014年9月24日 · hello everyone, Does any one know how to start an angel trumpet from one of it;s limbs? I planted a couple this May and it has grown from 14 in. to about 4and a half feet. I love the beautiful flowers. Thank you Margie
Some type insect or bug -- Eat all leaves off my plants!
2012年4月23日 · And something made the Ballerina Angel Trumpet leaves look like "lace" right around the same time. But now, they all seem to be doing better. All of your plants looked REALLY good when I was there a couple of weekends ago.
Best Way To Germinate Angel's Trumpet Seeds - GardenStew
2006年6月4日 · Forums > Plant Central > Seed Starting / Propagation > Best Way To Germinate Angel's Trumpet Seeds Discussion in ' Seed Starting / Propagation ' started by cajunbelle , Jan 16, 2007 .