Additive Genetic Variance - SpringerLink
2017年9月29日 · Additive genetic variance occurs due to genes which show an additive effect on the quantitative trait. This results in deviance from the mean phenotype due to inheritance of a particular allele and its relative effect on phenotype.
Genetic variance - Wikipedia
Genetic variance has three major components: the additive genetic variance, dominance variance, and epistatic variance. [3] Additive genetic variance involves the inheritance of a particular allele from your parent and this allele's independent effect on the specific phenotype, which will cause the phenotype deviation from the mean phenotype.
什么是遗传方差(Genetic variance)、加性遗传方差(Additive genetic variance…
2016年12月20日 · 遗传方差主要包括三方面:加性遗传方差(Additive genetic variance)、显性遗传方差(Dominance genetic variance)和上位遗传方差(Epistatic genetic variance) 如下图所示: 假设有三个基因座(locus 1, locus 2, locus 3)导致糖尿病,三个基因座有各自对应的等位基因A,B,C,D,a,b,c,d。
什么是遗传方差(Genetic variance)、加性遗传方差(Additive genetic variance…
2016年12月20日 · 上位遗传方差(Epistatic genetic variance):指的是不同基因座上的基因(比如A和B, A和C, A和D, B和D, B和C, C和D等)相互作用导致糖尿病的表型差异。 本文来自博客园,作者:橙子牛奶糖(陈文燕),转载请注明原文链接: https://www.cnblogs.com/chenwenyan/p/6203071.html
Data and Theory Point to Mainly Additive Genetic Variance for
2008年2月29日 · The most important is the additive genetic variance because it determines most of the correlation of relatives and the opportunities for genetic change by natural or artificial selection. From reviews of the literature and presentation of a summary analysis of human twin data, we show that a high proportion, typically over half, of the total ...
Phenotypic Variance | Learn Science at Scitable - Nature
Genetic sources of variation can themselves be divided into several subcategories, including additive variance (VA), dominance variance (VD ), and epistatic variance (VI). Together, the...
加性遗传方差 - 百度百科
加性遗传方差由基因的加性效应造成的方差,是遗传方差的一部分。 中文名称:加性遗传方差;英文名称:additivegeneticvariance;定义1:由基因的加性效应造成的方差,是遗传方差的一部分。 ;应用学科:遗传学. 加性遗传方差由基因的加性效应造成的方差,是遗传方差的一部分。
Additive Genetic Variance - Posthuma - Wiley Online Library
Additive genetic variance is the variance of the breeding values of all individuals in a population. The breeding value of an individual in a given population derives from the mean genetic value of the offspring that an individual would produce when it is mated to a number of individuals taken at random from the population.
Data and Theory Point to Mainly Additive Genetic Variance for …
Genetic variation in quantitative or complex traits can be partitioned into many components due to additive, dominance, and interaction effects of genes. The most important is the additive genetic variance because it determines most of the correlation of relatives and the opportunities for genetic change by natural or artificial selection.
Temporal and genomic analysis of additive genetic variance in …
2021年12月15日 · To this end, we describe the theory of partitioning genetic variance into genic variance and within-chromosome and between-chromosome linkage-disequilibrium, and how …