Finding the Heading of a Turtle Vec2D - Stack Overflow
2017年5月29日 · However, one way around keeping the orientation of the turtle, and just using a list of Vec2D positions, is when you set the turtle's position to a Vec2D position in the list, use the combination turtle.setheading(turtle.towards(position)) on the next Vec2D position in the list. That way the turtle is always heading (facing) towards its next ...
python - Turtle module - Saving an image - Stack Overflow
2021年10月19日 · This will help you; I had the same problem, I Googled it, but solved it by reading the source of the turtle module. The canvas (tkinter) object has the postscript function; you can use it. The turtle module has "getscreen" which gives you the "turtle screen" which gives you the Tiknter canvas in which the turtle is drawing.
vector - Python print turtle.pos() - Stack Overflow
2018年2月28日 · I want it to print where each corner of the shape is based on using the turtle.pos() function, however I'm trying to get the printed output as so: "The first corner is at: x, y, with a heading of: d."
python - How to get the position of the turtle? - Stack Overflow
2021年6月1日 · Well the turtle.pos() method returns a tuple. A Vector is derived from tuple, so a vector is a tuple! so you can check if the turtle is at a specific coordinate by using: if turtle.pos() == (5.0, 0.0): print(“at coordinate”)
Turn towards specific direction in turtle graphics?
2024年7月30日 · turtle.setheading(<degrees/radians>) is how you would use it. Without changing settings you will be in standard mode, so. turtle.setheading(0) would face the turtle right, turtle.setheading(90) would face the turtle up, turtle.setheading(180) would face the turtle left,and. turtle.setheading(270) would face the turtle down. Hope this helps!
what is a terminator error and how to fix it? - Stack Overflow
2022年8月14日 · Terminator errors typically occur when you try to call turtle methods after the window was destroyed. Where in the program is this occurring and please show a minimal reproducible example . What do you mean by 2 python modules?
python - Graphing a function on turtle - Stack Overflow
2019年2月15日 · I need to graph a function f1(x) on turtle. I need to start at x=-7 and advance .01 until I reach x=-3. I also need to use a scale factor of 25 I've created a for loop in the main function.
Rotating a vector denoting turtle position by an angle Netlogo
2014年8月14日 · set xcor xcor + item 0 vector set ycor ycor + item 0 vector Therefore I add a vector to the current agent's coordinates. PROBLEM: I wish to rotate the added vector by angle x. Thus the vector "vector" should be rotated by angle x. The angle should be taken from a Gaussian distribution with a specified deviation.
vector - Is there a workaround exporting larger Postscript files …
This is a follow-up off my first post, Workaround for exporting larger Postscript files (.eps) via Python-turtle In short, I spend last evening and this morning studying cdlane’s “The key”. And had some problems with the x- and y-positioning, i.e. the coordination, but I …
why does abs() function works for the position coordinate in …
2018年1月23日 · The turtle library defined a class called Vec2D (2 dimensional vector). Vec2D class does inherit from python's tuple but abs() functionality is overridden. Euclidean distance is calculated when abs() is called on a Vec2D .